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Puerto Rican rapper endorses McCain

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  • Puerto Rican rapper endorses McCain

    The news is a few days old but still interesting...

    ABC News' Bret Hovell Reports: While making an appearance on Monday at the high school alma mater of his wife Cindy, John McCain received the endorsement of Reggaeton star Daddy Yankee.

    Daddy Yankee, whose real name is Ramon Ayala, is a Latin Grammy winner. He is known mostly for his song "Gasolina," which, according to several translations of the Spanish lyrics and interpretations of the Spanish slang, is not particularly family-friendly, and has absolutely nothing to do with energy independence.

    As excited as the roughly 100 high school students were to see the 71-year-old presumptive Republican nominee, when Ayala walked into the room, most the young women in the room started shrieking. Ayala gave hugs and shook hands before making the endorsement official.

    "I'm here endorsing Senator McCain because I believe in his ideals and his proposals to lead this nation, you know?" Daddy Yankee said at Phoenix's Central High School.

    McCain met with Daddy Yankee at his campaign headquarters on Aug. 2. At that time, Daddy Yankee said he didn't know whether or not he was going to endorse McCain, but he has since come to a conclusion.

    The event at the high school was originally billed as a press conference by the campaign. In fact there was no give and take between the media and either McCain or Daddy Yankee. McCain has not spoken with reporters since Aug. 13.

    UPDATE: Daddy Yankee, however, did say hi to reporters on board McCain’s press plane soon after the event. He said that he met McCain two years ago after each was named one of Time Magazine’s most influential people “on earth.”

    “I was glad to meet him two years ago and since then we’ve been very cool,” Ayala said.

    He was asked if he thought McCain listened to his music, and said that he believed McCain’s daughter Meghan did.

    Ayala was also asked what his song “Gasolina” was about. With a smile and a laugh, he was right on message.

    “It’s about energy independence,” Ayala said.
    The song Gasolina was pretty big, especially among hispanics. The video isn't quite up to Bill O'Reilly standards though:

  • #2
    I hate that song. Its obnoxious.

    Also, its funny because Daddy Yankee is the sort of entertainer right-wing talkshow hoasts LOVE to attack.

    I don't think Daddy Yankee's endorsement will get McCain any more of the Hispanic vote than he would get otherwise. He isn't going to do as well amongst Hispanics as Bush did in 2004, mainly because even though he initially sided with Bush on immigration, he still represents a party that has taken steps that do antagonize Hispanics.
    If you don't like reality, change it! me
    "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
    "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
    "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


    • #3
      I don't know GePap... you're forgetting that McCain is from the heavily Hispanic Southwest. I'm sure he'll do at least as well as Bush did. He is Juan McCain, after all, born in Panama and all that

      And there is a definite process whereby minority groups become progressively Republican with assimilation and an increase in economic status. Look at Asian Americans and Cubans, for example. Also, Puerto Ricans don't have to worry about the immigration issue, obviously.

      It would be interesting to see what Pat Buchanan says about this. He wasn't too fond of Ludacris for making that song dissing Hilary and McCain and hasn't been fond of rap music period.

      I hate that song. Its obnoxious.
      I have to hear this song every single day cause all the Puerto Ricans in my neighborhood like to blast music all day long and that's one of the main ones they listen to.

      I also found another McCain supporter who is a rapper and will be performing at the GOP convention, although he is nowhere near as famous as Daddy Yankee. This country rapper guy named Cowboy Troy:


      • #4
        Originally posted by ramseya
        I don't know GePap... you're forgetting that McCain is from the heavily Hispanic Southwest. I'm sure he'll do at least as well as Bush did. He is Juan McCain, after all, born in Panama and all that
        The whole republican party is identified right now with what many Hispanics think are anti-Hispanic policies.

        Just google: McCain, Hispanics, and Polls and look at the polls. Obama is crushing McCain in polls amongst Hispanics. For McCain to avoid getting routed he would have to make a sharp break with most republicans on immigration and embrace Bush more on it, two things McCain simply can't do.

        And there is a definite process whereby minority groups become progressively Republican with assimilation and an increase in economic status. Look at Asian Americans and Cubans, for example. Also, Puerto Ricans don't have to worry about the immigration issue, obviously.
        The only Hispanic group that anyone could claim is Republican in outlook is the Cuban community. Hispanic's social conservatism is more than balanced by economic populism and their urban setting.
        If you don't like reality, change it! me
        "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
        "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
        "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


        • #5
          what do the lyrics say??
          Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
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          • #6
            He'll probably play at the republican national convention. I've been wondering about who will be playing there.
            I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
            - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


            • #7
              And all the oil lobby sez: ME GUSTA LA GASOLINA!

