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Republican President disregards international law

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  • #31
    Don't forget. Some of the charges in the cartoon a true.

    Congress refused appropriate funds to send "The Great White Fleet" around the world like Teddy wanted. Teddy had enough discretionary funds to send it half way around, so he ordered it to said. "If Congress wants it back," he proclaimed, "let them appropriate the money."

    Also, I'll bet Congress wasn't in our Teddy's stirring up the Panamanian rebels into revolting from Columbia, nor in TR's intervention into the civil war in order to pry Panama away from its mother country.


    • #32
      Any more thoughts on the Deep South being Democrat-land, like it seems to be, judging by state legislatures?


      • #33
        hey did you know that this flag

        The state flag of Mississippi wasn't officially the state flag until 2000, when Democratic Governor Ronnie Musgrove issued an executive order making it official.


        • #34
          Uh, no.

          Mississippi state flag

          The state flag features prominently the Confederate Battle Flag. In 2000, the Supreme Court of Mississippi ruled the Mississippi flag, a source of division among white and black Mississippians, was not official.[13] The court ruled the flag was officially adopted in 1894, but the law designating the state flag was not among those carried forward in a 1906 update of the state code. The judges left the decision to adopt, or not adopt, the flag to the Legislature and executive branch.[14] In response to the ruling, Musgrove held a press conference to announce that he had issued an executive order the following day creating a 17-member commission to study the flag. In the executive order, Musgrove also called for continuing the use of the flag until the Legislature had received and reviewed the committee's report. During the press conference, flanked by a U.S. flag and the controversial state flag, Musgrove offered no indication of his opinion on the current flag or any possible future design.[15] The commission eventually came up with a new flag design that replaced the battle flag from the canton with a circular array of twenty stars (Mississippi is the 20th state) on a blue background. As campaigning for the flags began leading up to a referendum, Musgrove did endorse the new flag.[16] A referendum was held in April 2001 to determine whether the new flag would be adopted. The old flag won by a vote of 65% to 35%.[17]
          "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


          • #35
            It won't be the first time. The flag issue was a strong subtext in Musgrove's 2003 re-election bid loss to current Gov. Haley Barbour.

            Barbour made clear during a 2003 appearance before The Clarion-Ledger Editorial Board that he differed with Musgrove on the state flag issue.

            Pointing to a lapel pin that featured a Mississippi state flag crossed with Old Glory, Barbour said: "I've worn this pin for the entirety of the campaign. I'm running for governor of Mississippi and this is the Mississippi state flag. I'm not in favor of changing it."

            Musgrove, on the other hand, said of the flag vote in his 2001 "State of the State" address: "The people of Mississippi are waiting. The world is watching. I urge you to put this issue on the ballot and let us move forward."

            But Mississippi voters rejected the proposition of changing the state flag at the ballot box on April 17, 2001 by a 2-1 margin.
            "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


            • #36

