So, I've got a blistering rash on my arms and legs.
I just moved into a new house. The lot backs up to a weedy park area. I was hacking down some weeds the other day. Now I've got a rash. I spent my entire childhood out in the woods and this is my first encounter with poison ivy.
Obviously, I won't be venturing into the weeds barefoot in shorts again (teh horror). However, my dog loves to frolic in the weeds. What are the chances she's going to carry the urushiol back to me on her coat?
I just moved into a new house. The lot backs up to a weedy park area. I was hacking down some weeds the other day. Now I've got a rash. I spent my entire childhood out in the woods and this is my first encounter with poison ivy.
Obviously, I won't be venturing into the weeds barefoot in shorts again (teh horror). However, my dog loves to frolic in the weeds. What are the chances she's going to carry the urushiol back to me on her coat?