Do anybody knows about Georgia?
Not the US-state/ It's a formerly Soviet republic /Named so centuries ago, formerly part of Russian empire/
Now part of geopolitical clientelle of US-administration/
There is a real war unfolding.
Between Georgia (agressor) and Southern Osetia (Christian Orthodox as well as Georgia), where 80% people are Russian citizens and want to be independent, to avoid from lame Georgian jurisdiction.
/See the Balkan model for an example/.
And Baku-Gejkhan OIL PIPE lays partially near the war theatre in question.
And US-instructors have fulfilled a considerable job in preparing Georgian army for assault.
And NATO wants Georgia to be its member.
What I forgot? Ah! The state border of Georgia were lined by Joseph Stalin and are obviously invalid in law sense after Georgia declared independance and intention to deal with Soviet past (1991).
But Georgia modestly had in mind Soviet-given territories of Abkhazia, Adjaria and Southern Osetia.
Where are your, patch-creators for Civgames?
Sincerely yours,
RedAlex (39 western scalps from 1975 to 1989).
Do anybody knows about Georgia?
Not the US-state/ It's a formerly Soviet republic /Named so centuries ago, formerly part of Russian empire/
Now part of geopolitical clientelle of US-administration/
There is a real war unfolding.
Between Georgia (agressor) and Southern Osetia (Christian Orthodox as well as Georgia), where 80% people are Russian citizens and want to be independent, to avoid from lame Georgian jurisdiction.
/See the Balkan model for an example/.
And Baku-Gejkhan OIL PIPE lays partially near the war theatre in question.
And US-instructors have fulfilled a considerable job in preparing Georgian army for assault.
And NATO wants Georgia to be its member.
What I forgot? Ah! The state border of Georgia were lined by Joseph Stalin and are obviously invalid in law sense after Georgia declared independance and intention to deal with Soviet past (1991).
But Georgia modestly had in mind Soviet-given territories of Abkhazia, Adjaria and Southern Osetia.
Where are your, patch-creators for Civgames?
Sincerely yours,
RedAlex (39 western scalps from 1975 to 1989).
