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  • Mamona

    I recalled a song I liked once and I think it has very nice lyrics, so I'm translating it for You.

    Here goes.

    Money (mamona is a specific name for money, it implies almost a deific status of the money, because it comes from Mammon - god of money).

    I wrote a song today, so it's fine, so it's great
    But I want it to be for money only.
    Not a word about love, about perjury, about politics
    Or about anything else, no hidden message

    First You, and long nothing but You, I'm writing for money
    Only You, nothing but You, today I'm writing for money

    How many times I've heard that: that someone loves,
    and I didn't believe.
    How could I believe that, when someone (does it) for money.
    This song is true, I'm singing here and I believe
    that I'm not feeling anything, I only have to earn money.

    First You, and long, long, nothing but You, only You, 'm writing for You.
    Only You, nothing but You, today I'm writing for money

    This song is being written for money!
    This song is being sung for money!
    This song is recorded for money!
    This song is published for money!

    I'm not treating You as a fool, I guess that You hear
    And You see that today I'm writing fot the money
    As no prostitute kisses in lips
    And so I am sparing myself all my verses

    First You, and long nothing but You, I'm writing for money
    Only You, nothing but You, today I'm writing for money


    _______________________________________Podoba Ci się? ZAKUP płytę Złote DVD Republiki._______________________________________MamonaScenariusz i reżyseria tel...

    I think the golden guy is there because polish currency is zloty ("golden")
    "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
    I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
    Middle East!

  • #2
    dont quit your day job
    Order of the Fly
    Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.

