Originally posted by SlowwHand
I'm not a ghoul, I'm a realist. It's over and done. It's a shame for all, including him, that he was a ****up.
I'm not a ghoul, I'm a realist. It's over and done. It's a shame for all, including him, that he was a ****up.
After all, this is the state that wanted to punish two homos for having consensual buttsex in a private residence, and the same state that wanted to lock up those women for selling vibrators, and the same state where a school district wouldn't allow proper sex education even when knocked up chicks were filling the school hallways (there's a good movie about this).
Why should you be allowed to run a lemonade stand, let alone govern yourselves. I feel sorry for the minority of sane people who ended up living there.
As for you, Agathon, you can get in the same line as the World Court, as far as how much Texas cares about opinion. Don't like it, stay out.