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What? No Thread about the Mouth of Hell Opening Swallowing All That is Pure and Holy?

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  • What? No Thread about the Mouth of Hell Opening Swallowing All That is Pure and Holy?

    June 18, 2008
    Hundreds of Gay Couples Wed in California
    SAN FRANCISCO — With a quiet pride and a sense of history, hundreds of gay and lesbian couples across California wed on Tuesday, giving a human face to a landmark court decision and a powerful opening salvo in what is expected to be a bruising fall campaign here over the issue of same-sex marriage.

    The marriages here and in many counties began just after 8 a.m. Pacific time, with the opening of the clerk’s office. But unlike 2004, when San Francisco broke state law to wed thousands of gay couples in a mad rush, many of Tuesday’s ceremonies had a sense of calm and permanence for gay newlyweds.

    “It was so legally ambiguous last time,” said Lorie Franks, 43, who had come to City Hall to marry her partner, AnneMary Franks, in 2004 as well. “It was really touching, but we kind of knew it was on thin ice. This time, to me, feels more real.”

    The Franks wedding, conducted in one of 19 locations arranged around San Francisco’s ornate City Hall building, was attended by her three daughters, who wore matching pink dresses and tiaras. “It was entirely their idea,” Lorie Franks said of their costumes. “As soon as they heard we were getting married, they said they wanted dresses.”

    In Bakersfield, where couples exchanged vows on a tree-lined patio outside the clerk’s office, reporters and photographers outnumbered people applying for marriage licenses on Tuesday morning. There were no protesters in sight.

    “We are so happy, we can’t stop smiling,” said Kathi Gose, 52, who wed Keren Briefer, 45, in Bakersfield on Tuesday morning.

    The couple, who have been together for 11 years, plan to change their surnames to Briefer-Gose.

    “We want to have the same rights as any other American citizen,” Ms. Gose said.

    The weddings began in a handful of locations around the state at exactly 5:01 p.m. on Monday, the earliest time allowed by the decision by the California Supreme Court. County clerks’ offices in all 58 counties in the state were authorized to begin issuing the licenses on Tuesday.

    In San Francisco, Del Martin, 87, and Phyllis Lyon, 84, longtime gay rights activists, were the first and only couple to be wed on Monday, saying their vows in the office of Mayor Gavin Newsom, before emerging to a throng of reporters and screaming well-wishers.

    The selection of Ms. Martin and Ms. Lyon as San Francisco’s first same-sex married couple was symbolic; the couple wed here once before, in 2004, when the city issued more than 4,000 marriage licenses and conducted weddings in City Hall in contravention of state law. Those marriages were later invalidated by the state Supreme Court.

    On May 15, however, the same court struck down the two California laws that prohibited such unions. Massachusetts legalized same-sex marriage in 2004, and more than 10,500 couples have wed there.

    Same-sex marriage has been hotly contested nationwide and state by state in the courts and at the ballot box, and California is no exception. In November, the state’s voters will decide whether to effectively rescind the court’s decision through a ballot measure that would define marriage as “between a man and a woman.”

    Forty-four states have enacted some sort of legal barrier — either a law or constitutional amendment — barring such unions. In 2004 alone, 13 states passed ballot measures banning same-sex marriage.

    This year, however, proponents of same-sex marriage have found encouragement in both the California Supreme Court decision and in a subsequent order by Gov. David A. Paterson of New York, instructing agencies in his state to recognize same-sex marriages performed legally elsewhere. The California court has also rebuffed several challenges to its May 15 decision, made by two conservative legal groups and by Republican attorneys general who fear that the California marriages will lead to legal challenges brought in their own states.

    One challenge was filed last week by the Liberty Counsel, a group based in Florida that wanted the California Court of Appeal to halt the weddings, to allow the State Legislature time to work out discrepancies in marriage law created by the state Supreme Court’s decision.

    Mathew D. Staver, the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, said the ceremonies, which began on Monday, “make a mockery of marriage.”

    “Marriage has traditionally been known, across continents and all geographical regions, as between a man and a woman,” said Mr. Staver, who is 51 and married. “Marriage between the same sex may be some sort of union, but it’s certainly not marriage.”

    There has also been some local opposition to the ceremonies. In rural Kern County, north of Los Angeles, the county clerk has canceled all weddings performed by her office, a position she took after consulting with the Alliance Defense Fund, an Arizona legal group that argues against marriage for gay men and lesbians. Weddings at the county clerk’s office — long an affordable, no-frills option for couples — have also been called off in Butte County, north of Sacramento, the state capital.

    In more liberal parts of the state, however, the weddings are being warmly embraced.

    In Palm Springs, before a small army of reporters and photographers, Mayor Steve Pougnet married the first gay couple in Riverside County to obtain a marriage license after the ruling, Dean Seymour, 44 and Philip Colavito, 43, of Palm Springs.

    Mr. Seymour, a native Californian and Mr. Colavito, born in Brooklyn, were married once before in 2004 in San Francisco, but that marriage was invalidated.

    The two men have been together for eight years and they own an interior decorating business.

    After Mr. Pougnet pronounced them married, both men embraced, kissed and screamed in unison, “We did it!”

    “It feels great to be married. If we have to do it again, we’ll do it again until they get it right,” Mr. Colavito said in response to a question about the proposed constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage in California.

    “We’re as normal as everyone else and we deserve the right to marry,” Mr. Seymour said.

    In Beverly Hills, Robin Tyler and Diane Olson married on Monday evening, saying their vows under a chuppah on the steps of the city’s courthouse. The ceremony was solemnized by a rabbi, Denise Eger.

    “Great floods cannot dampen your love,” Rabbi Eger said. “Your courage brought you here today.”

    Reporting was contributed by Michael Parrish from Bakersfield, Calif.; Ana Facio Contreras from Palm Springs, Carolyn Marshall from San Francisco and Oakland, and Rebecca Cathcart from Beverly Hills.
    My only problem with lesbians is that some of them are really hot.
    “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
    "Capitalism ho!"

  • #2
    No worries, most of them will get divorced soon enough.


    • #3
      Hyphenated names are rather annoying.


      • #4
        What? No Thread about the Mouth of Hell Opening Swallowing All That is Pure and Holy?
        No. Apolyton's homophobia is being channeled into my thread.

        This is a bad day for America. It won't be long before homosexual marriage is compulsory and the bible will be banned... and on that day, the beast will stalk the earth and inaugurate a world government, and everyone will have a barcode tattooed on their arse, and gangs of homosexuals will run amok, burning churches and killing Christians, and raping Christian women (don't ask me why gay men are supposed to do this – it's not my apocalyptic prophecy).
        Only feebs vote.


        • #5
          Re: What? No Thread about the Mouth of Hell Opening Swallowing All That is Pure and Holy?

          Originally posted by DaShi

          My only problem with lesbians is that some of them are really hot.
          I agree that that is the problem with this.

          Jon Miller-
          I AM.CANADIAN
          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


          • #6
            Re: What? No Thread about the Mouth of Hell Opening Swallowing All That is Pure and Holy?

            Originally posted by DaShi
            My only problem with lesbians is that some of them are really hot.
            Maybe in your pr0n collection... I've never met a real lesbian that's both pretty and in shape (plenty of bis are though)


            • #7
              This isn't going down well at all on Free Republic. Here's some of the choicest morsels.

              We have got to organize as many people as possible to oppose this perversion of the institution of marriage. I literally gagged when I saw these freaks on the news calling their bizarre relationship a ‘marriage’. You don’t have to be religious at all to see how truly sick this is.
              So when will the media stop using exclusionary, sexist terms like “husband” and “wife” in newspaper articles and on television? And how soon after that will those terms be classified as “hate speech.”
              Gay marriage doesn’t effect anyone else, unless..
              They don’t mind the words Mother and Father being removed from the language.
              They don’t mind the words Husband and Wife being removed from the language.
              They don’t mind the words Natural Family removed from the language.
              They don’t mind other people forcing your children to learn about Gay Sex at the age of 6 over your objections.
              They don’t mind the Bible being illegal outside the confines of a Church.
              I am so thankful that my children are going into 6th and 10th grades. It's only a matter of time before the queers start suing to have gay sex taught to 10-year-olds in sex education classes, same-sex couples allowed to attend the senior prom and perform public displays of affection, ad nauseam. That sound you will hear is parents of young children stampeding out of public schools.
              Next we will find some homo activist that we will have to "honor" like Martin Luther King, "Gay History Month" etc. etc.
              We are not winning the battle against judicial activism. And the next use of the courts will be to harrass churches or anyone else who acts only in accordance with traditional marriage.

              And so God raises up Islam to incite violence to bring back some sense of morality.
              Well, I think we might have seen a taste of it in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible. There the righteous had to lock themselves in fortresses and attempt to buy off the natives from raping even visitors to that fair civilization. Evil had total freedom and righteousness insured prison.
              Since liberals live to try to shock traditionalists - their new push is to force acceptance of human/ animal sex. How long before we'll have to hear about people who want to marry their dogs - or cows or whatever?
              Gay marriage is just a symptom.. is a greater disease.. The disease is democracy which creates socialism.. another symptom.. the disease is democracy.. The American Republic is no more..
              I'm hoping this is the last affront the lord accepts from that filthy place and puts his foot down with a nice 10.5 quake.
              As peace loving as I am, I can’t say that I would miss San Fransisco all that much if G-d happened to want to make an example. Having said that, I hope he does so on a day when the good people of San Fransisco (I assume there are some left) are all off on vacation.
              This morning I cried watching the pictures of gay couples getting married in CA. I’ve always known that a large number of people will go to hell, but I had never seen them lining up for the trip.
              I mean, WTF?
              Only feebs vote.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Agathon
                No. Apolyton's homophobia is being channeled into my thread.

                This is a bad day for America. It won't be long before homosexual marriage is compulsory and the bible will be banned... and on that day, the beast will stalk the earth and inaugurate a world government, and everyone will have a barcode tattooed on their arse forehead, and gangs of homosexuals will run amok, burning churches and killing Christians, and raping Christian women (don't ask me why gay men are supposed to do this – it's not my apocalyptic prophecy).
                Absurd anti-religious reference fixed.


                • #9
                  @ FreeRepublic

                  It's comments like those that make me glad their magic sky fairy is just the product of the imaginations of a bunch of goat-fvckers thousands of years ago. I'd feel bad if He were real and decided to smite them all for being a bunch of hateful bastards.*

                  *Note: I believe in God, but not the goat-fvckers' god.
                  The cake is NOT a lie. It's so delicious and moist.

                  The Weighted Companion Cube is cheating on you, that slut.


                  • #10
                    Whenever anyone speaks out of gay marriage, it really is a throwback to the days where they could rape their wives, assault their black saves, impregnate their daughters, and shoot mexicans with no repercussions.

                    (Yes, overstatement,s just like theirs).
                    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                    • #11
                      I was so happy to see George Takei getting married.

                      Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mr Snuggles
                        Whenever anyone speaks out of gay marriage, it really is a throwback to the days where they could rape their wives, assault their black saves, impregnate their daughters, and shoot mexicans with no repercussions.

                        (Yes, overstatement,s just like theirs).
                        That's disgus--awww that bear's adorable. How can I disagree with anything that bear says? Tell me more Mr Snuggles...
                        "You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."--General Sir Charles James Napier


                        • #13
                          "As goes California, so goes the rest of the Nation"

                          Get use to it folks!
                          "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
                          "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Verto
                            Hyphenated names are rather annoying.


                            • #15
                              I'd like to see BK explain how the Free Republic noise is really helpful, uplifting, positive xian voices showing their love for gays, disdain of the acts.

                              Oh wait, no I don't. I'd rather have sharpened pinecones shoved up my ass. Never mind.
                              I'm consitently stupid- Japher
                              I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned

