My mother told me about the great depression where she grew up in Chicago. She worked when she could at a White Castle burger place. The chain took to mixing the stuff the pickles came in with ketchup to extend it. Perhaps in a related story she told me she and the other workers would bring home ketchup to make tomato soup for their familes. Some days that's all they had.
I lived through Carter's recession. I ran a roofing crew at the time for my step father. The year before the recession hit we started the summer with 17 jobs. The next year we had none. I managed to get a job as a busboy at a local eatery, grim. That's all there was and I was lucky to find the work. Savings were being eaten by 17% inflation iirc. Nobody knew what the future held, everyone was worried. The president was discussing possible solutions for the nation's ills with his preschool daughter.
Anyone got any such stories? Seems like they might be helpful soon.
I lived through Carter's recession. I ran a roofing crew at the time for my step father. The year before the recession hit we started the summer with 17 jobs. The next year we had none. I managed to get a job as a busboy at a local eatery, grim. That's all there was and I was lucky to find the work. Savings were being eaten by 17% inflation iirc. Nobody knew what the future held, everyone was worried. The president was discussing possible solutions for the nation's ills with his preschool daughter.
Anyone got any such stories? Seems like they might be helpful soon.