After days of careful defrosting scientists in New Zealand began to uncover the mysteries of the rare colossal squid, including an eye that measured 27cm (11in) in diameter, which would have been 40cm when it was alive —- as big as a beachball.
The eye, with a lens the size of an orange, was found to be intact as scientists pored over a creature that was 8m (26ft) long and weighed almost 500kg (1,100lb) when it was caught accidentally in the Ross Sea, off the northern coast of Antarctica last year.
Although it will avoid the fate of so many of its relatives that wind up as calamari, Tsunemi Kubodera, a Japanese squid specialist, said that he had tasted a piece of colossal squid. The verdict: edible but bitter.
Japanese Scientists
Collosal Squid taste
Collosal Squid species survival chances after it has been discovered that it does not taste good: up 1000%