Sesame Street ran for about thirty years, entertaining children with enthusiastic, childlike characters who managed to be amazingly non-annoying. Sure, some people don't care for Elmo, and he has pretty much stolen the show, but he's not offensive to everyone who sees and hears him.
But now there's Baby Bear. He's whiny and has a very pwominent speech impediment appawently designed to iwwitate evewyone. I hate him. My girlfriend and sister-in-law, both former nannies, hate him. My parents hate him. Even my 21-month-old nephew, when asked about Baby Bear, responded pretty unequivocally, "No Bear!" Does anyone NOT hate this vile creature? Why is he given such major screen time? GRRR!
Yeah, that's all I had to say. Oh, and while I was consulting Wikipedia to see if they referenced an anti-baby-bear movement, I stumbled on an amusing entry for an unaired episode entitled "Snuffy's parents get a divorce." Awesome.
But now there's Baby Bear. He's whiny and has a very pwominent speech impediment appawently designed to iwwitate evewyone. I hate him. My girlfriend and sister-in-law, both former nannies, hate him. My parents hate him. Even my 21-month-old nephew, when asked about Baby Bear, responded pretty unequivocally, "No Bear!" Does anyone NOT hate this vile creature? Why is he given such major screen time? GRRR!
Yeah, that's all I had to say. Oh, and while I was consulting Wikipedia to see if they referenced an anti-baby-bear movement, I stumbled on an amusing entry for an unaired episode entitled "Snuffy's parents get a divorce." Awesome.