I'm a Buddhist!
I'm not allowed to obsess over titties :P. It's unseemly.
But I am allowed to obsess over Buddhism!
though it is discouraged.
In short I am being a "Bad Buddhist", I will blame the fact that I'm forced to continue to remain on the internet to do my job. If I could just go hang out at a Monastery ALL THE TIME I'd never bother anyone by talking about Buddhism.
And I will be a bit of a wild monk, ambitious and difficult to train, like most young monks. The whole excessive enthusiasm about Buddhism is something Buddhists have to get out of their system, once they see it's pointless... Buddhism IS okay as a hobby but it shouldn't be an obsession, a Monk should spend some time meditating, some time chanting, some time working, some time talking, some time eating, some time sleeping... and not be obsessed by any of it...
I CAN see it's pointless but I keep doing it for some reason :P.
There's a saying something like "knowing is half the battle".
You "know" something then try to put it into practise, in the effort of trying to put it into practise, you learn some more, which you then need to try to put into practise...
What was my point...
Oh yeah. If I COULD run off and join a monastery tomorrow, I WOULD. And then I'd be badgering the other monks and guests with my enthusiasm for Buddhism
. You guys get to suffer instead. You're doing a very nice thing for Buddhists!
. It's good merit.
edit: I might clarify what I mean by "not bother anyone".
Ajahn Chah, a very famous monk in the Forest Sangha, loved the bad monks, the bad monks were precious! They taught over monks patience and stuff...
So while being a bad monk is bad for the monk in question, it's good for the other monks...
When the other monks get annoyed by the bad monk they know they have their own problems to confront...
Obviously this is in moderation. A monk who isn't bad enough to actually get booted out according to the rules, but is bad enough to be a pest.
If Ajahn Chah was my teacher (pity he's dead), he would be like "Excellent! Excellent! You're a real keeper and I hope you never improve as a Monk!"
Monasteries are a place for keeping the rules but having fun, you don't need manners when everyone has a sense of humor.
A Gandhi quote may also be useful:
Just replace "violence" with "silliness".
It does, from personal experience, work out better in the end. It's like true speech, if you strive to NEVER lie, to always say what you're really thinking to the best of your ability, you are FORCED to eventually confront what you are really thinking. You'll eventually REALIZE what you're really thinking, AND realize that it's stupid. You might need to be told a thousand times before you figure it out for yourself... but if you REFUSE to be silly, refuse to express silly ideas, you'll be ignorant of them forever.
I don't know. This is one of the only ways to root out "delusion". Greed and Anger are so easy to notice in action, I just know when I'm being greedy, I know when I'm angry - there are feelings which are noticable. Delusion is so much more SUBTLE, it can perform massive distortions to reality which you can't feel in that way.
If you HAVEN'T figured it out yet, I'll explain.
I'm mostly talking to myself here :P. Unashamedly so. I sometimes just find a "mirror" and talk into it, to see more clearly what I'm doing.
Thank you Aeson, and I mean that sincerely.
I'm not allowed to obsess over titties :P. It's unseemly.
But I am allowed to obsess over Buddhism!
though it is discouraged.
In short I am being a "Bad Buddhist", I will blame the fact that I'm forced to continue to remain on the internet to do my job. If I could just go hang out at a Monastery ALL THE TIME I'd never bother anyone by talking about Buddhism.
And I will be a bit of a wild monk, ambitious and difficult to train, like most young monks. The whole excessive enthusiasm about Buddhism is something Buddhists have to get out of their system, once they see it's pointless... Buddhism IS okay as a hobby but it shouldn't be an obsession, a Monk should spend some time meditating, some time chanting, some time working, some time talking, some time eating, some time sleeping... and not be obsessed by any of it...
I CAN see it's pointless but I keep doing it for some reason :P.
There's a saying something like "knowing is half the battle".
You "know" something then try to put it into practise, in the effort of trying to put it into practise, you learn some more, which you then need to try to put into practise...
What was my point...
Oh yeah. If I COULD run off and join a monastery tomorrow, I WOULD. And then I'd be badgering the other monks and guests with my enthusiasm for Buddhism

edit: I might clarify what I mean by "not bother anyone".
Ajahn Chah, a very famous monk in the Forest Sangha, loved the bad monks, the bad monks were precious! They taught over monks patience and stuff...
So while being a bad monk is bad for the monk in question, it's good for the other monks...
When the other monks get annoyed by the bad monk they know they have their own problems to confront...
Obviously this is in moderation. A monk who isn't bad enough to actually get booted out according to the rules, but is bad enough to be a pest.
If Ajahn Chah was my teacher (pity he's dead), he would be like "Excellent! Excellent! You're a real keeper and I hope you never improve as a Monk!"
Monasteries are a place for keeping the rules but having fun, you don't need manners when everyone has a sense of humor.
A Gandhi quote may also be useful:
It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence.
It does, from personal experience, work out better in the end. It's like true speech, if you strive to NEVER lie, to always say what you're really thinking to the best of your ability, you are FORCED to eventually confront what you are really thinking. You'll eventually REALIZE what you're really thinking, AND realize that it's stupid. You might need to be told a thousand times before you figure it out for yourself... but if you REFUSE to be silly, refuse to express silly ideas, you'll be ignorant of them forever.
I don't know. This is one of the only ways to root out "delusion". Greed and Anger are so easy to notice in action, I just know when I'm being greedy, I know when I'm angry - there are feelings which are noticable. Delusion is so much more SUBTLE, it can perform massive distortions to reality which you can't feel in that way.
If you HAVEN'T figured it out yet, I'll explain.
I'm mostly talking to myself here :P. Unashamedly so. I sometimes just find a "mirror" and talk into it, to see more clearly what I'm doing.
Thank you Aeson, and I mean that sincerely.