Clearly Bush wanted to depose Saddam as soon as he took office , both because he was a mass murderer and tried to kill his father. The tool Woodward thinks this, but it is reasonable, and after 9/11 it became easier and even more justifiable to push the issue when Saddam ignored resolutions to disarm. WMD intelligence was there (Alwan, the Iraqi informant, helped sell this) and also plausible based on the kurd massacres of the 1990s. 
When you have the CIA director saying it is a "slam dunk" case for WMD, clearly bush has been fed some misleading intelligence, but then again, the rationale was that the onus was on Saddam to prove he was clean. And he instead willfully obstructed inspectors.
I still believe he shipped weapons to Iran

When you have the CIA director saying it is a "slam dunk" case for WMD, clearly bush has been fed some misleading intelligence, but then again, the rationale was that the onus was on Saddam to prove he was clean. And he instead willfully obstructed inspectors.
I still believe he shipped weapons to Iran
