Originally posted by Asher
I don't think you comprehend the correct meaning of the word "proof", because it cannot apply here.
I don't think you comprehend the correct meaning of the word "proof", because it cannot apply here.
I'm simply asking you to back up your claim that Shakespeare is 'merely' entertainment and nothing else. If you believed it to be the case, one imagines you based this belief on something.
This is very clearly a value judgment and not something that can be proven.
You're making a claim about Shakespeare's drama in its entirety, about its alleged function and its alleged limitations.
Simply excusing yourself by whingeing about not being able to provide proof for this stupid claim and wittering on about value judgments are lame copouts which only serve to highlight your fundamental lack of knowledge in this area. Waddashock.
In my world, by definition, Shakespeare is entertainment.
Whether you want to argue that Shakespeare surpasses being entertainment because he was so smart as to put "lack" and "luster" together, that's your call, but might I suggest you raise your standards...
That is, one that you don't have to excuse yourself from misrepresenting by saying it was just 'hyperbole' on your part.
It never occurred to you that this might've been intentional and for effect?
You tell me...you're the one with his panties in a twist over my assertion that Shakespeare is entertainment.
As for the panties- are you thinking of someone you were perhaps previously involved with? With transvestite tendencies, possibly ?
Because I've never worn them.
A quick google search shows that while "lackluster" in its current form as made popular by As You Like It, its origins date back to lackland (1594), of a landless man; lack-Latin (c.1534). Before As You Like It. Looks like our man Shakespeare was just following a trend.
FWIW, this word dates back to 1175
To my judgment
In fact, anyone who uses "multitudinous seas incarnadine" is no doubt an example of "supersad immense douchebaggery
The world is filled with world-changing idiots...if we use your definition.
(* lies to be 'terse')
BTW, read this article and thought of you Molly...
How very flattering. I read so many books and articles and yet never think of you.