Originally posted by GePap
The guys who run Google are where they are because they were good businesspeople. If they had been just as good mathematicians, but had your people skills, they would have gotten a good cut, but been replaced a while ago.
The guys who run Google are where they are because they were good businesspeople. If they had been just as good mathematicians, but had your people skills, they would have gotten a good cut, but been replaced a while ago.
I have people skills (~5 year relationship can attest to that), I just choose not to waste my time with pleasantries for people that don't need it.
But to your original point, there's no doubt that the Google boys are brilliant businessmen. But you cannot tell me Google would be where it was if Google.com wasn't the product it is.
Wow, for someone who claims to be so smart, you sure as hell can't put together a thinking experiment worth a damn.
Lets see, first, where did science come in, all of a sudden? You had said nothing about it earlier, now you decide to plop it in? Cute. Then of course, where would you put in business sectors like retail or agriculture? Sure, not art, but math and science?
Oh, and arte the add guys for google mathematician, scientists?
(Did you ever notice the second word in "computer science"?)
And are the special effects guys for Dreamworks artists only?
The guys who write the story and model the graphics are artists.
Again -- obvious.
Why not a simpler question, the combined incomes of people who work as mathematicians vs. those that work as actors?
Maybe you don't realize this, but many people use mathematics as vital parts of their job on a daily basis other than mathematicians. For example, engineers and computer scientists.