I found it among the larger stones on the beach and set it aside. One of the workers threw it back in among the rocks for the wall and it got placed approximately in the location indicated by Christina 'Tina', who btw is 18 years old and would like a nice guy to be her pen pal.
Christina Jotojot
160 Capt. Goyo St.
Pondol, Jagna, Bohol 6308
Tina is a good young woman who is waiting on her husband, whoever that lucky fella might be. She is cousin to my wife who will be checking the letters to take out the bad ones.
Other pics of the construction area where the alien artifact was found are on the way.

I'm editing in links to threads with other pics and also Poly House thread links.
'A Long Expected Party'
Poly House:
Asking what Poly thought of a second Poly House...
Zkrib announces his $500 matching plan.
The thread that helped Poly accomplish the matching funds offer...
Zkrib and Theben visit the 1st Poly House & Zkribs vacation pics.
Christina Jotojot
160 Capt. Goyo St.
Pondol, Jagna, Bohol 6308
Tina is a good young woman who is waiting on her husband, whoever that lucky fella might be. She is cousin to my wife who will be checking the letters to take out the bad ones.

Other pics of the construction area where the alien artifact was found are on the way.

I'm editing in links to threads with other pics and also Poly House thread links.
'A Long Expected Party'
Poly House:
Asking what Poly thought of a second Poly House...
Zkrib announces his $500 matching plan.

The thread that helped Poly accomplish the matching funds offer...
Zkrib and Theben visit the 1st Poly House & Zkribs vacation pics.