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Keith Olbermann's Electronic Molotov Cocktail

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  • #16
    because he is the4 President, and majority of Americans are brainwashed to trust his every word, no matter what it is... that's why
    Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
    GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


    • #17
      I don't think the issue is actively listening to all phone calls though. THat's pretty trivial anyway, plus the idea is to naturally just have it all just in case. Just in case of what exactly? Just in case justifies everything.

      I agree and disagree with Siro. I do blame the companies for it as well. Just like I blame Google and Yahoo when they were bending over in front of the Chinese gov. But at least they were up front about it, which is about the only decent thing you can do, to say, "listen, we aren't any better, sorry." so no one actualyl believes they uphold their own business ethics globally. That makes them a suspect in all cases. It's like raping someone when you're on a holiday abroad. Then you say you'd neved to it back home. So what?! A rapist is a rapist. But at least they came out with it, which I actually do find a good idea.

      So anyway, I'd like to point out that the NSA splitter story was out long before PBS made that piece. No one believed it, even though the source for that was excellent. THey had an active whistleblower, working for AT&T and other confirming stories. From tech people that is. It was all "OOOH, your 1984 stories...". No. It's just bunch of splitters being installed and if some **** dosnt' realize it IS possible technically, claiming it isnt'? Well today the same ***** are saying that it doesn't matter anyway. It's not that they decide from what is known, it's not that they make their decision based on that information. It's that they have already made a decision to take it up the ass even when it is them who are being abused and no one else. It's like "You'd never hit me, what, are you insane, Hahahaa!". Then they get hit in the face, "I actually think this is beneficial, because I really needed that punch so what are you looking at? This is actually a good thing, maybe you shoudl be punched a bit more so you'd smell the coffee, idiot!". This is the reasoning of *****.

      It is quite the paradox, when the people who shout about freedom the most are the ones who are going to defend the logic when it is taken away. Nothing but sheep, and the collaborators for anyone who dares to ask.

      So anyway, back to the scheme, and how exactly does it matter that these calls can't be monitored in full effect and live? Is that somehow... meaningful? Isnt' that semantic really? And speaking of semantic, there will be if there already aren't... semantic mining that is getting more sophisticated. I mean... I don't want cops to come to my house and saying, "cool, just checking in. We know you're not the bad guy but you know, just checking in. See you later". No. **** you, don't come to my house unless there's a reason for it and even then the reason better be good.

      Also, think about alllll the incompetent people working with these things, allllll the new risks that are involved with this kind of scheme. Also, perhaps the real super criminals won't be actually falling for this one anyway? It is also nice to know, that this should mean that all foreigners are also being tapped and recorded, if I'm a business trip in there, I sure know not to talk over the phone about anything work related. These kinds of things are ****ing up the US inside and from the outsider view as well. And somehow people are loving it? I don't get it.

      other than that... Olbermann is a tool, dont' like him.

      ANd no, I don't really see fascism here either. Just stupidity and utopia of how things will turn out if certain measures are taken when in fact there's a great risk that it will backfire and with so little reward to be had? It's just not worth the risk now is it? Certain principles have been given away and that' in itself is more valuable than few recruited kebab guys.
      In da butt.
      "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
      "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


      • #18
        Originally posted by chegitz guevara
        No we don't.
        YES, you do.

        As for potential recruits, there's three hundred million potential communists too, so take that for what it's worth and stick it up your police state. In this country, it is still illegal to spy on people because of what they might do, for now.
        No one is spying on people who might do something.

        But once a person living in the US contacts a known foreign enemy, he should be good to track, to decide whether he's dangerous. that requires tracking him inside the US.

        also, since you don't always know when someone might do something, using pattern recognition and statistics is actually a valid tool for first round of suspects, which should be investigated upon.

        you guys seriously under-appreciate the threat.


        • #19
          Maybe. However, if we treat certain demographics as terrorists-in-waiting, we're just giving them more reason to take up arms against us. The fact is, keeping the country open in the long term makes us more secure. Israel's circumstances simply can't be generalized outside of the state of Israel.
          "Remember, there's good stuff in American culture, too. It's just that by "good stuff" we mean "attacking the French," and Germany's been doing that for ages now, so, well, where does that leave us?" - Elok

