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Civs in Civilization: Americans

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  • Civs in Civilization: Americans

    Let's talk about the civilizations in the Civilization games: what leaders, UU, UB, etc do you think they should have? If this proves popular it would be interesting to discuss all the civs in the game, but let's start off with a classic: the Americans.

    Most of the time these discussions tend to pop up close to the release of a new game/expansion pack in the on-topic forums, but by then those discussions are pretty moot because all the decisions have already been made -- they generally get made long before the game is announced to the general public. However, I happen to know for a fact that Firaxis does appreciate insights on this from people in the community with an interest in history, considering I was the one who was responsible for coming up with a lot of this stuff for Warlords and BtS. I don't pretend to be omniscient though, I'm sure I've made some bad calls (in fact I know I have, people in this community (and on that other site) are not exactly shy to point them out). So for future Civ games, let's talk about this now -- maybe we'll actually be able to influence things. I for one would not look forward to seeing the Fast Worker UU return to India in Civ5, or Ragnar as leader of the Vikings...

    Let's assume for the sake of convenience that civs in Civ5 have the same features as they do in Civ4: two leaders (on average) with each two traits, a Unique Unit, a Unique Building, two starting techs, a flag and a city list. For the sake of argument let's also assume that a future version of civ will have civ-specific Great People: Prophets, Artists, Scientists, Merchants (also understood to include explorers), Engineers, Generals and Spies (mind that Firaxis avoids using people that are still alive and generally shies away from ones who died less than 30 years ago).

    Current features of the Americans (as of BtS):

    George Washington (Charismatic, Expansive)
    Franklin Roosevelt (Industrious, Organised)
    Abraham Lincoln (Charismatic, Philosophical)

    Unique Unit:
    Navy SEAL (replaces: Marine), 1-2 extra First Strikes, starts with March

    Unique Building:
    Mall (replaces: Supermarket), +20% extra , +1 from Hit Singles, Hit Musicals, Hit Movies

    Techs: Fishing, Agriculture


    City List:

    Great Prophets:
    Sojourner Truth (f)

    Great Artists:
    Mark Twain
    Louis Armstrong
    Duke Ellington
    Miles Davis

    Great Scientists:
    Albert Einstein (immigrant)
    Enrico Fermi (immigrant)

    Great Merchants:
    Cornelius Vanderbilt
    Andrew Carnegie (immigrant)
    John D. Rockefeller

    Great Engineers:
    Benjamin Franklin
    William T. G. Morton
    John Roebling (immigrant)
    Norbert Rillieux
    Alexander Graham Bell (immigrant)
    Nichola Tesla (immigrant)
    Thomas Edison
    George Washington Goethals
    Henry Ford
    Wilbur Wright
    Orville Wright

    Great Generals:
    Robert Lee

    Great Spies:
    John Honeyman
    Nathan Hale
    Allan Pinkerton
    Belle Boyd (f)
    J. Edgar Hoover
    Moe Berg
    Ethel Rosenberg (f)
    Julius Rosenberg
    William Donovan

    What would you change about this? One leader needs to be eliminated, and they're lacking some Great People in certain categories.

    I personally would eliminate Roosevelt from the leaders, Washington and Lincoln strike me as the best options there. Washington led the US to independence and Lincoln re-united the country. There's certainly a very strong case to be made for Roosevelt, but personally I'm not a fan of having 20th century leaders in a history game that covers 6000 years.

    It would be kinda nice from a gameplay point of view to give the Americans an earlier UU or UB so that they're more attractive to play with, though of course due to America's short history the options are rather limited here. Still, I rather like the idea of a Minuteman UU (replaces: Rifleman), which could have an extra movement point, or maybe start with Guerilla and/or Woodsmen promotions and a few extra first strikes.

    I'd also like the city list to have some more historic cities like Williamsburg, Providence, St Augustine, El Paso...

    Some ideas for more Great People:

    Great Prophets:
    Jonathan Edwards - leader of the Great Awakening
    George Whitefield - leader of the Great Awakening
    William Miller - founder of Adventism
    Joseph Smith Jr - founder of Mormonism
    L. Ron Hubbard - founder of Scientology

    Great Artists:
    Billy Holiday (f) - great female jazz singer
    Frank Sinatra - famous vocalist
    Elvis Presley - king of rock & roll
    Humphrey Bogart - iconic Hollywood actor
    Walt Disney - father of the Disney legacy
    Marilyn Monroe (f) - perennial sex symbol and pop icon
    Andy Warhol - famous Pop art artist
    Edgar Allen Poe - great writer
    Ernest Hemingway - great writer

    Great Scientists:
    Eli Whitney - inventor of cotton gin
    Joseph Henry - physicist, first secretary of the Smithsonian Institution
    Robert Oppenheimer - physicist, director of Manhattan Project
    Richard Feynman - famous quantum physicist
    John von Neumann (immigrant) - pre-eminent 20th c. mathematician and quantum physicist

    Great Merchants:
    Meriwether Lewis - explorer, of Lewis & Clark expedition
    William Clark - explorer, of Lewis & Clark expedition
    Erastus Corning - railroad tycoon
    Charles Crocker - railroad tycoon
    Henry Flagler - hotel, railroad & oil tycoon and father of Miami
    Bugsy Siegel - gangster, developed Las Vegas
    William Hearst - newspaper magnate
    Neil Armstrong - astronaut, first human on the Moon

    Great Generals:
    Nathanael Greene - Continental Army general
    John Paul Jones - Revolutionary naval commander
    Stonewall Jackson - Confederate general
    Ulysses Grant - Union general
    William Sherman - Union general
    John Pershing - WW1 general
    George Marshall - WW2 general
    Douglas MacArthur - WW2 general
    Dwight Eisenhower - WW2 general
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery

  • #2
    Re: Civs in Civilization: Americans

    Originally posted by Locutus

    I personally would eliminate Roosevelt from the leaders, Washington and Lincoln strike me as the best options there. Washington led the US to independence and Lincoln re-united the country. There's certainly a very strong case to be made for Roosevelt, but personally I'm not a fan of having 20th century leaders in a history game that covers 6000 years.
    Given the fact that the American Civ by any standards IS a 20th century Civ, Roosevelt is an excellent pick for a leader. He did a wonderfull job with the New Deal and subsequently in WW2. The US emerged from that conflict stronger then even.

    Lincoln was in part responsible for the divide in the US that led to the bloodshed in the first place. He could only re-unite with force what he couldn't keep united with politics/policy.

    Washington as a father of the nation looks fine, even though the struggle for independence was by no means a one man job.

    In a way it's funny you pick the Americans as an example, as this is the only traditional Civ in the game that (probably) hasn't hit it's apex yet.

    BTW: what's with the (immigrant)'s?
    The game is called Civilization and not Nationality or Ethnicity. So wether or not immigrants contribute to the Civ is not really an issue. In fact it's often the Civ that attracts immigrants to fullfill their 'dream' that they cannot in their 'own' civ (read nation). For example: think of the immigrants the flocked to the Dutch Republic and helped it make great (the merchants and Spinoza f.e.)
    In that respect: perhaps Einstein is not in place for the US. Did he not make his most famous research while being resident in the Weimar-Republic? He should probably fall under the German Civ.

    As for Great Artists:
    Since Cinema (Hollywood) is such an American thing, there should be some actors and directors among them:
    Orson Welles?
    Alfred Hitchcock?
    Stephen Spielberg?
    Humphrey Bogard?
    Hernry Fonda?
    Audrey Hapburn?
    Ronald Reagan ?
    Last edited by germanos; January 9, 2008, 06:21.
    "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
    "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


    • #3
      Re: Re: Civs in Civilization: Americans

      Originally posted by germanos

      In that respect: perhaps Einstein is not in place for the US. Did he not make his most famous research while being resident in the Weimar-Republic? He should probably fall under the German Civ.
      I think he actually made his most famous research when he was living in Switzerland ("Annus Mirabilis"), at the time of German Empire.


      • #4
        Re: Re: Civs in Civilization: Americans

        Originally posted by germanos
        Given the fact that the American Civ by any standards IS a 20th century Civ,
        Very true, but that doesn't take anything away from the fact that I'm just not a fan of 20th c. history

        In a way it's funny you pick the Americans as an example, as this is the only traditional Civ in the game that (probably) hasn't hit it's apex yet.
        I would actually argue with that, I think they reached their zenith in the Cold War and basically went into decline shortly after that ended. Doesn't mean they can't peak again in the future of course, plenty of historic precedent for that, but right now they're not where they were 20-30 years ago IMO.

        But my main reasons for choosing the Americans is that a good portion of the population on this site is American and everyone else at least has an opinion on them, so I figured that might elicit more responses than a Zulu or Aztec thread And that I happen to be working on a new city list for the Americans ATM so I have a lot of research about American history fresh in my head (this is mostly for my own entertainment BTW, although should I be invited to work on Civ5 at some point I want to be prepared: many of the existing vanilla Civ4 city lists suck donkey balls and I only had time to revise India's list for BtS on top of all the new civs I was working on).

        BTW: what's with the (immigrant)'s?
        The game is called Civilization and not Nationality or Ethnicity. So wether or not immigrants contribute to the Civ is not really an issue. In fact it's often the Civ that attracts immigrants to fullfill their 'dream' that they cannot in their 'own' civ (read nation). For example: think of the immigrants the flocked to the Dutch Republic and helped it make great (the merchants and Spinoza f.e.)
        In that respect: perhaps Einstein is not in place for the US. Did he not make his most famous research while being resident in the Weimar-Republic? He should probably fall under the German Civ.
        I basically agree with you, but I know some people feel otherwise so I figured I should at least list the fact that they're not natively American. Einstein is a perfect example: I know plenty of Americans that would 'claim' him as an American Great Person, while plenty of Germans claim him as German, Swiss claim him as Swiss, etc. A while back TV shows about Greatest [enter nationality] were in swing and I believe Einstein was ranked very high on the American, German and Swiss lists. One could probably put several of these immigrants on multiple Great People lists if one wanted to, but either way I do feel that in most cases the names I listed are indeed perfectly valid as Great Americans (main exceptions to me are Einstein, Fermi and Bell -- I still listed those because I know there are others that might feel differently).

        As for Great Artists:
        Since Cinema (Hollywood) is such an American thing, there should be some actors and directors among them:
        Orson Welles?
        Alfred Hitchcock?
        Stephen Spielberg?
        Humphrey Bogard?
        Hernry Fonda?
        Audrey Hapburn?
        Ronald Reagan ?
        Well, I didn't necessarily mean for my lists to be comprehensive (wouldn't leave much room for discussion, would it?), but as I pointed out Firaxis refuses to use any people in the game who are still alive, and generally shies away from ones who died in or after the 1970s (there are a few of exceptions to that, but only a few), so that eliminates most of Hollywood unfortunately. I did list Bogart already and agree Hitchcock's a good choice (even though he's in the grey area as far as date of death goes), I'm not familiar with Valentino's work myself, but to put it bluntly I don't know that all the other ones have been dead long enough.
        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery

