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Treason, Espionage, and al-Qaeda: Sibel Edmonds is in the News Again

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  • Treason, Espionage, and al-Qaeda: Sibel Edmonds is in the News Again

    I don't know how much you know about Sibel Edmonds, so here are two links. One is to the story itself in its most recent iteration.

    The other is from a blog that has been heavily following this story for years.

    Former 'Gagged' FBI Whistleblower Alleges Pentagon, State Department Officials Overheard Receiving Payoffs in Exchange for Classified Info; Crimes Covered Up at Highest Levels of Government | U.S. Media Scooped Again, Failed to Air Claims After Offer of Disclosure by Edmonds in Recent BRAD BLOG Exclusives... [UPDATED SEVERAL TIMES]

    I will note that she had to go to a non-US paper to spill this. On the other hand, while her story damns both GOP and former Clinton officials, many in her naming of names (see below) are tied to Bush I, Bush II, Reagan, or are otherwise sympathetic or instrumental to the neocon cult. It is coming from a Rupert Murdoch paper, but as we know, he only slavishly supports the right in this country, whereas elsewhere his papers and stations serve other parties that have power.

    To wit

    Foreign intelligence agents from Turkey, Israel and Pakistan enlisted the support of high-level US officials in order to acquire a network of moles deep inside of sensitive American military and nuclear agencies, including "PhD students – with security clearance [at] Los Alamos nuclear laboratory in New Mexico, which is responsible for the security of the US nuclear deterrent."

    ● Members of the diplomatic community were given lists of potential "moles" at the sensitive installations. Edmonds tells the Times: "the lists contained all their 'hooking points', which could be financial or sexual pressure points, their exact job in the Pentagon and what stuff they had access to."

    ● Well-known US officials were then bribed by foreign agents to steal US nuclear secrets. One such incident from 2000 involves an agent overheard on a wiretap discussing "nuclear information that had been stolen from an air force base in Alabama," in which the agent allegedly is heard saying: "We have a package and we’re going to sell it for $250,000."

    ● Nuclear secrets were then subsequently sold by foreign agents to America's enemies, including Iran, North Korea and Libya.

    ● Pakistani officials involved in the nuclear black market network have significant cross-over with al-Qaeda and 9/11. Officials such as the chief of ISI, Pakistan's spy agency, allegedly sent $100,000 to 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta, and aides of A.Q. Kahn --- who had used the stolen secrets to develop nuclear weapons for Pakistan --- met with Osama bin Laden "weeks before 9/ discuss an Al-Qaeda nuclear device."

    ● Elements of the US government have repeatedly shut down investigations into these crimes under the guise of protecting "certain diplomatic relations."

    ● The US government has been aware of all of the above information since at least 2001.
    She has named the names, apparently. It is no surprise to see Douglas Feith in there. Or his accomplice Larry Franklin.

    Over at Sibel's website, she has published " Sibel Edmonds’ State Secrets Privilege Gallery " - twenty one photos of people. Sibel doesn't s...

    More on this

    Note: I rarely ask readers to publicize Cannonfire posts. But on this occasion, I beg you to spread links either to this story or to the Sun...
    Try for discussion and debate.

  • #2
    I don't actually see any evidence, all we have is the word of a former translator.

    Not saying it isn't true, just saying it's pretty flimsy.

    Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


    • #3
      I find it quite fishy.
      I think that some of the allegations are probably true, and some are taken out of context or blown up for media consumption.


      • #4
        This womans been at the center of conspiracy stuff for 5 years. Did she just start on the nuke stuff recently?

        Note, everything done would have had to have been done by 2002, when she was fired.

        In general, I dont find Mossad plus Feith and Franklin building up the Pakistani nuke program very credible, myself.
        ALthough I can see how it would appeal to some.
        "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


        • #5
          I agree that it is short on evidence and is based on the word of a single person who used to work as a translator. Further more she's changed certain details over the years though the basic story has remained the same. Personally, I don't find it surprising that Israel was once again caught spying on the US and that American politicians have once again forgiven Israel. The ISI part I find to be a bit more of a stretch and more alarming if true.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Oerdin
            Personally, I don't find it surprising that Israel was once again caught spying on the US
            Well I do, the Pollard thing was quite the embarrasment.

            Seems like this lady caught some of her co workers cheating on their travel expenses and stuff, FBI tried to fire the troublemaker, she got rightfully upset. But she found herself adopted by all kinds of odd folks, with axes to grind, and now shes putting out stuff that fits the axes.
            "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


            • #7
              " Well-known US officials were then bribed by foreign agents to steal US nuclear secrets. One such incident from 2000 involves an agent overheard on a wiretap discussing "nuclear information that had been stolen from an air force base in Alabama," in which the agent allegedly is heard saying: "We have a package and we’re going to sell it for $250,000.""

              1. Since we're the reason based folks, lets try thinking this through. Ms Edmonds was a translator. So this means, for her to have heard this, that it was passed in Turkish, which she was assigned to translate. So it has to be one of the Turkish agents passing the info back to HQ in Turkey, or something like that, or an internal Turkish discussion. Being held with NO code words, no encoding, just en clair, the only protection being the language and Turkish intel's confidence that NSA wasnt listening. I find it puzzling that Turkish Intell Op Sec is so poor.

              2. AFB in Alabama has to be Huntsville, right? Which does rocketry, but not nuke stuff, or am I wrong?

              3. All of the stuff about Israeli involvement, etc, - how would she know that? Did Turkish intell chat about that as well? Was the entire scheme, including its protection, all passed on to the Turks, and discussed by them? And why, pray tell, does Mossad, which has the assistance of US govt insiders, need to rely on Turkish assistance for such a sensitive operation? Which, by sheer coincidence, happens to be language translated by a woman with a justified grievance against the US govt? What makes me suspect that if Ms Edmonds had been Finnish language translator, we'd be hearing that Finland, Israel, and Pakistan were all in on this?

              Edit: pardon, Huntsville is Army and NASA, not Air Force. Maybe they mean the base in Montgomery?
              Last edited by lord of the mark; January 7, 2008, 12:46.
              "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

