Originally posted by Lorizael
But I thought you believed in evolution?
But I thought you believed in evolution?
He has demonstrated a CLEAR desire to shrink the size of govmt and protect our rights, so who cares what his religious beliefs are? If they interfered with his job it would be a problem, but it does not seem likley to. He comes down on the "right" side on most enviromental and scientific issues.
His FIRST response to answering a question about evolution was to state that it was not relevant to the issue of the presidency and that he thinks it is a fine topic for intellectual discussion and that he is not sure either side has it right.
He did not even say "Jesus" in his response.
Sounds like a reasonable response to me, was not evangelical at all, nor was he hostile to the idea of evolution. The man is allowed to have his own religious beliefs and the fact he does not compromise them for votes when he gets these sorts of questions scores big points with me.
He is the only canidate I see on either side right now, with real integrity and a respect for the constitution.