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Hey, we gotta make up for that $9 billion that disappeared in Iraq SOMEHOW!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by DinoDoc
    Blackcat: You have to understand that to Oerdin and thos like him, Bush is the devil. Anything and everything he does is because he wants to kick babies and drink the blood of muslims.
    Well, I've been here for a while, so I'm quite aware of Oerdins insanity

    Though I'll say that I'm so old here that I can remember a more sane Oerdin than we see now :
    With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

    Steven Weinberg


    • #17
      Originally posted by Oerdin
      A competant Presidential appointee should have killed this before they started pissing on the faces of America's fallen heros. But this administration never seems to have a decent or competant appointee. Shame, shame, shame on these heartless bastards.
      Don't be an idiot, Oerdin. Most of the appointees have gotten honors and medals. Like Heck-of-a-Job Brownie.

      If they were so incompetent, they'd've never gotten those, right?


      • #18
        I can only laugh at the loony Dane.
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • #19
          I'm totally disillusioned.
          Long time member @ Apolyton
          Civilization player since the dawn of time


          • #20

            -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


            • #21
              Oerdin, stop being a punk.

              As a former Disbursing Officer (paymaster in Navy speak) glitches in pay, especially extra pay like signing/reenlistment bones, happen all the time.

              The defense pay system is labyrinthine. I mean, its only a system serving 5 million odd people, I just can't understand why they would ever mess anything up.

              Even me, as a Disbursing Officer, had to manually fix my pay three times (short DLA payment, an allotment that failed to cancel, 02 pay failed to kick in on time) and did you see me screaming and yelling on internet boards about how the President personally screwed me? No, I just contacted PSD, explained what happened, and *gasp* they fixed it *gasp*. Though Oerdin, having been in the military yourself, whose responsibility is it to monitor your pay and make sure everything is on the level?

              Ten bucks there is an automatic system that looks at the entry and release dates of service members that is not privy to the reason why and sends an automated mail out if it isn't long enough to claim the signing bonus, oh the horror.

              Note what your article doesn't provide Oerdin; what the soldier and the army did about it.

              If he didn't ask the Army to fix it and went straight to the press, **** that guy. If he went to the Army and they told him tough luck then **** the Army. What I bet you did happen is that he went to the Army and they are letting him keep the money and fixing the minor bureaucratic problem. Both of them

              A minor bureaucratic mix-up does not a scandal make.

              Hyperventilating foaming at the mouth hack Oerdin
              "The DPRK is still in a state of war with the U.S. It's called a black out." - Che explaining why orbital nightime pictures of NK show few lights. Seriously.


              • #22
                KDKA contacted Congressman Jason Altmire on his behalf. He says he has proposed a bill that would guarantee soldiers receive full benefit of bonuses.

                At least there will be a benefit from this madness
                "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003

