It's time the south learn what we in the west have been doing for years. Reusing our water. Instead they just waste it.
It's still hard to imagine the south in a drought. What do they mean by drought? They show a picture of the U.S. and show the southwest in drought, but isn't the desert always technically in a drought? Although our rainfall is less than average this year, so perhaps we are in a drought. But what does a drought mean over there? Surely they are getting some rain right? When I lived in Florida it rained every day in the summer (around 4pm like clockwork).
They have all this rainfall, but no water? I don't get it. I'm sure all the trees in that state are alive an well, which means they are still getting decent rainfall, and they should be using this water.
Now if americans weren't so obsessed with having lawns. I actually did try to have some grass in my backyard, but I have no green thumb. It all died.