Pekka, I am not depressed. I know it is better then most places.
I am however upset that it seems things are falling apart. The constitution has been torn to shreds, the big issue is that the "rule of law" seems to be dissapearing, the government functioning on the written law and not the will of individuals. How long before America faces serious peril of it's liberty dissapearing?
The Jews in Germany told themselves that what would happen could never happen. Germany showed us even "civilized" first world nations can change themselves fundamentally and slide to facism. We don't have a crippling economic recesion or our national pride destroyer as Germany did after WW1, but that does not mean it cannot happen, only, more slowly.
Massive surveilance of civilians? Secret prisons? Torture? Hell America has proboably been doing this all since WW2 but it seems to have reved up in recent years.
All the institutions and mechanisms which are supposed to protect our rights seem to have failed, with little prompting, if we got into a war with a more powerful hostile nation in the future, our rights could dissapear wholesale overnight.
I am not jealous of the elite. I feel bad for those who get screwed unjustly now and fear for my own future.
Wiglaf: The value of the dollar is collapsing, our industry is all going overseas(or already has). The dollars from the outsourcing may be in American hands but that only has value as long as international law is respected. What happens if not too far down the road China(the biggest holder of American debt) calls it in? What happens if something else happens on an international scale where it ceases to matter who has the dollars, but who has the actual goods and means of production?
When a promise is no longer respected, would you rather have in your hand, a piece of paper which says you own something, or the thing itself?
I am however upset that it seems things are falling apart. The constitution has been torn to shreds, the big issue is that the "rule of law" seems to be dissapearing, the government functioning on the written law and not the will of individuals. How long before America faces serious peril of it's liberty dissapearing?
The Jews in Germany told themselves that what would happen could never happen. Germany showed us even "civilized" first world nations can change themselves fundamentally and slide to facism. We don't have a crippling economic recesion or our national pride destroyer as Germany did after WW1, but that does not mean it cannot happen, only, more slowly.
Massive surveilance of civilians? Secret prisons? Torture? Hell America has proboably been doing this all since WW2 but it seems to have reved up in recent years.
All the institutions and mechanisms which are supposed to protect our rights seem to have failed, with little prompting, if we got into a war with a more powerful hostile nation in the future, our rights could dissapear wholesale overnight.
I am not jealous of the elite. I feel bad for those who get screwed unjustly now and fear for my own future.
Wiglaf: The value of the dollar is collapsing, our industry is all going overseas(or already has). The dollars from the outsourcing may be in American hands but that only has value as long as international law is respected. What happens if not too far down the road China(the biggest holder of American debt) calls it in? What happens if something else happens on an international scale where it ceases to matter who has the dollars, but who has the actual goods and means of production?
When a promise is no longer respected, would you rather have in your hand, a piece of paper which says you own something, or the thing itself?