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How influenctial in Poland is Radio Maryja?

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  • How influenctial in Poland is Radio Maryja?

    I ask because the BBC's depiction is not at all flattering. Supposedly it is run by a Polish Catholic Bishop who uses his radio station to appeal to Polish nationalism and who routinely rails against "the European Union, liberals and Jewish groups". That just doesn't sound good especially the part about picking on Poland's now tiny Jewish minority. Supposedly this supposed Catholic radio network is popular in medium to small sized Polish towns as well as the countryside as is its message of blaming all of Poland's problems on free Masons, Jews, liberals, and rich people.

    Can a Polish poster please tell us more?

    Polish voters hear Church's voice
    By Adam Easton
    BBC News, Warsaw

    Father Tadeusz Rydzyk
    Fr Rydzyk has been an active political player since the early 1990s
    The Roman Catholic Church has the potential to influence Sunday's general election in Poland, where millions of people are regular churchgoers.

    Officially, the Polish Church follows Vatican directives and tries to steer clear of politics.

    But Poles link the Church with their national identity and more than 90% of them say they are Roman Catholic. Unlike in Western Europe, Sunday Mass services are full to overflowing.

    The Polish pope, John Paul II, was an enormously influential factor for Poles' faith. He was not just a respected spiritual leader in his homeland. Many Poles say his greatest achievement was his role in ending communist rule.

    The bishops are well aware that for a short period after the fall of communism in 1989 the Church's authority was dented because it became too active in politics.

    That is why a letter written by the bishops and read out during Mass services last Sunday emphasised that "the Church does not identify itself with any political party" and that the Catholic media should not "engage themselves in the election on any side".

    The letter did not name any media but many people see it as a clear reference to the controversial priest, Father Tadeusz Rydzyk, who runs Radio Maryja, its sister TV channel, Trwam, and the newspaper, Nasz Dziennik.

    'Demonic' influence

    The charismatic 62-year-old Redemptorist priest has bucked the trend and clearly engaged himself in politics since the early 1990s.

    The late Pope John Paul II (left) with Solidarity's Lech Walesa. File pic.
    Pope John Paul II inspired Solidarity during its freedom struggle
    The radio station styles itself as "the Catholic voice in your home" and broadcasts a mixture of Mass services, prayers and talk shows.

    With its traditional and nationalistic brand of Catholicism, it appeals in broad terms, to an older audience in medium and smaller cities and the countryside. Its commentators rail against the European Union, liberals and Jewish groups.

    The nationalist message falls on fertile ground. In the 19th Century, when Poland was carved up by foreign powers and ceased to exist, the Church played a major role in keeping Polish identity alive. It played a similar role during the communist era, when the regime was associated with the Soviet Union.

    Father Kazimierz Sowa, a prominent Catholic priest and journalist, described Radio Maryja's influence on society as "demonic".

    "It has a good influence from a religious point of view but from the political point of view it is a totally destructive force in Poland," he told the BBC.

    "Talking about politics is not correct and Radio Maryja has influenced people's thinking on everything from economics to politics to the EU. It's always looking for an enemy, be it the Masons, Jews, liberals, or rich people," he said.

    'Social broadcaster'

    Although the Vatican has expressed its concern about Radio Maryja's involvement in politics, Father Sowa estimated about a third of Poland's bishops supported Fr Rydzyk's media empire.

    Radio Maryja listeners during a pilgrimage in Czestochowa. File photo
    Radio Maryja claims a daily audience of about one million

    Radio Maryja did not respond to a BBC request for a comment on the role of the Church in politics.

    When asked about the radio's role in the election campaign, Archbishop Leszek Slawej Glodz recently told the Dziennik: "Radio Maryja is a Catholic radio station but it's also a social broadcaster."

    "Because of that, they have the right to present the programmes of all the political parties except for the ones whose programmes are against Catholic faith and morality. It would be improper if a party campaigned on the radio but presenting programmes and attitudes is acceptable", he said.

    'Liars and hypocrites'

    Since the height of its popularity in the late-90s, Radio Maryja has steadily lost listeners but it still claims a daily audience of about one million.

    That is why Fr Rydzyk has probably more influence on Poland's political life now than he has ever had.

    Before the 2005 parliamentary elections the station's listeners were courted by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of the conservative Law and Justice party and current prime minister.

    The party's leaders and ministers regularly appear on Fr Rydzyk's radio and TV stations.

    During this campaign, candidates associated with the priest are running on the Law and Justice ticket.

    The station says it does not favour any political grouping, but during a recent broadcast a priest advised people to vote for Mr Kaczynski's party.

    During another recent show a Radio Maryja commentator, Prof Jerzy Robert Nowak, phoned in to denounce the opponents of Mr Kaczynski's political vision as "liars and hypocrites".

    A recent opinion poll said 74% of the radio's listeners would vote for Law and Justice.

    "Obviously it is influential, especially because of its million listeners, about a half are decided, like an army, and they will go out and vote for Law and Justice," Fr Maciej Zieba, the head of the Dominican order in Poland, told the BBC.

    "But every Sunday about 15 million people go to church, so half-a-million is not a great proportion, but this phenomenon exists and it's bad," he said.
    BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service
    Try for discussion and debate.

  • #2


    • #3
      Mary worshipping Papists? Burn them! ...After a fair trial and confession, of course. All in the spirit of promoting unity in the church at large.
      (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
      (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
      (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


      • #4
        I guess it's pretty influential. Remember that Poland is firmly in the European Bible Belt. We also have a Radio Marija here. Perhaps it's a franchize?

        Poland is also a big country, some 40 million people or so. Easy to find wackos there. Radio M. is probably popular, but that doesn't mean every listener is a religious fanatic.


        • #5
          Radio Maryja = Radio Mary.

          Mary = Maria in modern polish, but the older form is Maryja, and today that form is only used to describe Mary, mother of Jesus.

          Rydzyk is not a bishop. He's just a monk.

          Radio Maryja has limited or none influence on definite majority of Poles. But the ones that are influenced by it are mostly completely under its control, are like an army of teh dark monk. It's a very tied, hermetic group. Most of people dislike it.
          I think the influence of RM is regional too. There are some very religious regions, mostly eastern and southern Poland. The centers of polish ultracatholicism are Masovia / Mazowsze (except Warsaw and surroundings) Podlachia / Podlasie and Podkarpacie regions.
          The bishops are divided in the question of RM as well.
          The archbishop of Gdansk (Danzig) calls Radio Mary "the ulcer of polish church", but there are some who defend it as well.
          Last edited by Heresson; November 1, 2007, 17:42.
          "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
          I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
          Middle East!


          • #6
            "Army of teh Dark Monk"

            I'm sorry but isn't that the backstory of Final Fantasy Tactics???
            "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
            "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
            "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.


            • #7
              "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
              I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
              Middle East!


              • #8
                Cool, thanks for the info Hersesson.

                Originally posted by Heresson
                Radio Maryja = Radio Mary.

                The bishops are divided in the question of RM as well.
                The archbishop of Gdansk (Danzig) calls Radio Mary "the ulcer of polish church", but there are some who defend it as well.
                It's amazing how geographical names remain in the cultural memory. St. Petersburg turns to Leningrad only to revert back 80's later, Burma changes its name to Myanmar but still gets called Burma by most news stations, while Danzig/Gdansk is almost thought of as two different places instead two names for the same place.

                I think the name Danzig got stuck in the popular mind, at least in the US, due to the argument about "the Danzig corridor" during the WW1 settlement and because Hitler's famous "Danzig or war" demand started WW2. Meanwhile the name Gdansk is mostly known for being the birth place of the Solidarity Movement and the famous strike at the Gdansk Shipyard. Unfortunately, in the US it is mainly the people old enough to remember the cold war who remember Solidarity while the kids who grew up post cold war know more about Japanese comics then how communism ended in Eastern Europe.
                Try for discussion and debate.

