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The War

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  • The War

    Anyone watch this series on PBS? Not too much new, but had a really good presentation, and put it all together nicely. They had personal stories, but they did it tastefully and not overly dramatic (like those stupid personal stories before the superbowl ) They focussed on certain locations like Sacramento, Mobile, conneticut, and Minnesota to show how life was at home in those area.

    The show is pretty america centric, so Europeans here probably won't be too interested in it. They mentioned the eastern front and covered the major events, but it really focusses on the U.S., with additional focus on minorities in the U.S. such as latinos who fought, japanese-americans who fought; and those in internment camps, and african americans who fought, and of course life at home for them as well.

    Very good series, I do recommend it.

  • #2
    Well it might be interesting, doubtfull it will ever be shown here...

    They could really name it better, though. "The War"? Is there really no other wars in american collective memory? That's the "good" war... In The Great War, you really didn't accomplish that much, Korea ended in draw, Vietnam was lost, if only by politics, fist Gulf War reminds you of the sequel, which you'd rather forget...
    I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


    • #3
      Re: The War

      Originally posted by Dis
      Anyone watch this series on PBS? Not too much new, but had a really good presentation, and put it all together nicely. They had personal stories, but they did it tastefully and not overly dramatic (like those stupid personal stories before the superbowl ) They focussed on certain locations like Sacramento, Mobile, conneticut, and Minnesota to show how life was at home in those area.

      The show is pretty america centric, so Europeans here probably won't be too interested in it. They mentioned the eastern front and covered the major events, but it really focusses on the U.S., with additional focus on minorities in the U.S. such as latinos who fought, japanese-americans who fought; and those in internment camps, and african americans who fought, and of course life at home for them as well.

      Very good series, I do recommend it.
      Is that the one by Ken Burns? Can't watch it here, but I remember a positive article on it I read recently here in Krautmedia.


      • #4
        I saw a little. I could tell it was good, but the deaths (and there were a lot of deaths) really depressed me, so I surfed on to other stations.


        • #5
          I saw it. I thought the people with the real life experiences were stupid except for one guy. The music as horrible, like torture. Other than that is was just like any other WW2 show.
          I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
          - Justice Brett Kavanaugh

