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10 Commandments, Your Version

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  • 10 Commandments, Your Version

    1) Don't kill
    2) Don't rape
    3) Don't commit adultery
    4) Use force only in defense of yourself and others or for worthy causes
    5) Don't lie
    6) Don't steal
    7) Give to those in need who would work if they could
    8) Don't drink too much
    9) Don't do drugs
    10) Don't use prostitutes

    That's all I can think of right off. If I found a real goiod one and had to take one away to make room for it it would be...8) Don't drink too much.

    I think I'm missing some good ones.
    Long time member @ Apolyton
    Civilization player since the dawn of time

  • #2
    So is this if we were God? Or just if we were... we?


    • #3
      In the case of right and wrong, is there a difference? If I'm God, that's my list. I'm me, that's my list...

      If you see things differently, make a list for you and God, the difference might be interesting.
      Long time member @ Apolyton
      Civilization player since the dawn of time


      • #4
        1. Don't Kill
        2. Don't Rape
        3. Don't Curse
        4. Don't Commit Adultery
        5. Don't Steal
        6. Don't be lazy
        7. Keep your mind open
        8. Don't be Violent with other people (unless they request it)
        9. Don't judge too quickly
        10. Use sunscreen
        be free


        • #5
          "Use sunscreen"

          That makes me think of the environment.

          1) Don't kill
          2) Don't rape
          3) Don't commit adultery
          4) Use force only in defense of yourself and others or for worthy causes
          5) Don't lie
          6) Don't steal
          7) Give to those in need who would work if they could
          8) Don't contaminate the environment
          9) Don't do drugs
          10) Don't use prostitutes
          Long time member @ Apolyton
          Civilization player since the dawn of time


          • #6
            01 : Be compassionate.
            10 : Use your brain.


            • #7
              1) Fight at least once in your life. But avoid fighting outside that one time.
              2) Have lots of sex. But only with people who want to have sex with you. Use condom.
              3) Stay out of other peoples business.
              4) Follow your dreams.
              5) Stay healthy.
              6) Kill for self defence only and only if necessary.
              7) Read a lot. A lot.
              8) Don't trust any government in the world.
              9) Don't be a follower, think for yourself.
              10) Never confess to those with more power than you, or you will be sorry for doing it. Be truthful to family and friends.
              In da butt.
              "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
              THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
              "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


              • #8
                1. Swallow
                In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.


                • #9
                  Well if I was God I'd have the power to change everything around so as not to be so complicated... Also I probably wouldn't need anyone to do stuff for me.

                  Kinda a lose/lose situation here. God-Me wouldn't need help, but could reasonably assume requests would be heeded by someone (especially since I'd make them that way). Non-God me needs lots of help, but no one's going to give a ****.

                  As just me, I'm not going to have much authority, so will have to shoot lower.


                  1. Thou shalt not smoke at the beach. Or along my path to the beach. Definitely not in my house. If you wish to get lung cancer elsewhere, knock yourself out. (Local laws still apply.)

                  2. Thou shalt not wear skimpy bathing suits if your figure doesn't support such attire. Or perhaps I shouldst say, "If such attire doesn't support your figure"?

                  3. Thou shalt not play "hard to get", nor flirt when you aren't really interested. (I realize this is a matter of taste, but these are my tastes so kiss off.)

                  4. Thou shalt not wear sunglasses if you have cute eyes. For it is the greatest sin. (Er, gotta remember this is for commandments... not pickup lines...)

                  5. Thou shalt not ask if you can knock over my sandcastle or sculpture.

                  Ok... enough "shalt nots"... gotta be balanced.

                  6. Chill dude. I'm not after your girl, your wave, your house, your car, or any of your ****. I just want to soak up some rays and relax.

                  7. Actually I don't really have any other "shalls". Not really bossy much.


                  Me: (get it? Teh capitalization!)

                  1. Thou shalt not kill. I know you don't know what this means, since I made all you immortal (unless you opt-out) and immune to harm, but trust me, don't do it.

                  2. Thou shalt not lie. Cause you know, the red dot in your eyes that flash whenever you're lying will just get you laughed at. You might think I'm a jerk and all for installing that in everyone, but you should see the other Guy's mess...

                  3. Respect people. I don't care who it is. Mom, Pop, or some stranger on the street. Be nice, even if you don't agree with them. Except on internet forums... get all your aggressions out there you ****ING GODDAMN *******S!

                  4. Chill dude. (This is a good one. So it makes both lists.)

                  5. Thou shalt not bug me so much about what you want. The replicators and holodeck are there for a reason...

                  6. Thou shalt not steal. Cause it's really pointless when you can just replicate whatever it is you wanted to steal anyways... this isn't rocket surgery, now is it?

                  That's all for now. If "me" me didn't need as many of these things as "Me" me does, that would just be silly. Just try not to **** up too much so I don't have to think up more of these, k? Win/win here. We all get out of class early... peace out!


                  • #10
                    1. Do What Thou Wilt.
                    2. Do What Thou Wilt.
                    3. Do What Thou Wilt.
                    4. Do What Thou Wilt.
                    5. Do What Thou Wilt.
                    6. Do What Thou Wilt.
                    7. Do What Thou Wilt.
                    8. Do What Thou Wilt.
                    9. Do What Thou Wilt.
                    10. Do What Thou Wilt.
                    Voluntary Human Extinction Movement


                    • #11
                      1. Don't kill me.
                      2. Don't steal from me.
                      3. Don't lie to me.
                      4. Remember my birthday.
                      5. Don't covet my house, wife, ox, ass, pretty much anything that's mine.
                      6. Don't cheat on me.
                      7. Honor me.
                      8. Don't use my name in vain.
                      9. Don't make idols of me unless it's American Idol.
                      10. Don't bear false witness against me, or true witness if you've seen me do something wrong.
                      “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                      "Capitalism ho!"


                      • #12
                        1) I am God. But I am not your God; thou shalt not claim any "personal relationship" with Me.

                        2) Thou shalt not ask me for personal favors.

                        3) Beyond my Ten Commandments, thou shalt not claim to know My intentions, ever.

                        4) Thou shalt not cast aspersions on those whose understanding of Me is different from yours.

                        5) Thou shalt not ever justify your actions by claiming they were My will.

                        6) Thou shalt not compel others to live by what you believe to be My dictates.

                        7) Love thy neighbor as thyself. Period. I'm not kidding.

                        8) Between your reason and your faith, thou shalt always choose your reason, for it is My greatest gift to you.

                        9) If it happens between (or among) consenting adults, gives pleasure, and harms no one, it pleases Me.

                        10) Earth is My masterpiece -- you are just a detail. Thou shalt not screw up My masterpiece.
                        "I have as much authority as the pope. I just don't have as many people who believe it." — George Carlin


                        • #13
                          1) Don’t lie to yourself
                          2) Do what you say
                          3) Say what you do
                          4) Keep choices available
                          5) Don’t depend from things
                          6) Don’t depend from persons
                          7) Help others when possible
                          8) Look at the Universe
                          9) Read
                          10) Think
                          Statistical anomaly.
                          The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


                          • #14
                            1. Never sit in boiling chip-fat.

                            2. Avoid stepping in fresh dog turds.

                            3. Eschew polyester shirts.

                            4. Do not have sexual intercourse with your grandparents.

                            5. Don't eat your own limbs.

                            6. Resist taking part in X-Factor, Pop Idol or any other televised 'talent' show.

                            7. Don't believe the hype.

                            8. Vote, vote, vote, for Nigel Barton.

                            9. Leave aside fish paste sandwiches which have been sitting in the sun for hours.

                            10. Brown/tan shoes with a grey suit ? That's a no-no.
                            Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

                            ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915


                            • #15
                              1. Love the lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength
                              2. Love all mankind as you would love yourself.
                              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

