Aivo, "I think the problem of some Muslims getting offended really is secondary to the issue of fringe elements trying to gain support through scapegoating a religious community. I've yet to see any evidence of an "Islamization of Europe". After the last time a bunch of crazies gained control in here using similar psychological tactics, nobody was having fun."
You just didn't raise the Hitler card?
OTOH you say you see no signs of Islamization of Europe, but in the very next sentence it's third reich once again.
I don't see signs of either.
I think it's a big mistake to lump everyone into one or two fringe groups trying to gain political power or popularity using muslims as a scapegoat. Certainly there must be such individuals and groups.
I'm not talking about the moral or ethical sides of this at all. I'm simply advocating free speech, even if it means people get upset. When talking about some fringe groups, if we talk about the potentially dangerous ones, this is just doing them a big favour in my books. Closing down on _public debate_ and opinions is definitely not the way to go. Limiting rights and bringing in criminal law to this is even more of a joke.
This isn't an isolated issue. We have loads of issues, interest groups etc. I see no reason why this should be treated any differently, especially if we want to avoid trouble and arousing some people.
And seriously. Hitler card is extremely weak in any serious debate that doesn't have to do with WWII.
You just didn't raise the Hitler card?
OTOH you say you see no signs of Islamization of Europe, but in the very next sentence it's third reich once again.
I don't see signs of either.
I think it's a big mistake to lump everyone into one or two fringe groups trying to gain political power or popularity using muslims as a scapegoat. Certainly there must be such individuals and groups.
I'm not talking about the moral or ethical sides of this at all. I'm simply advocating free speech, even if it means people get upset. When talking about some fringe groups, if we talk about the potentially dangerous ones, this is just doing them a big favour in my books. Closing down on _public debate_ and opinions is definitely not the way to go. Limiting rights and bringing in criminal law to this is even more of a joke.
This isn't an isolated issue. We have loads of issues, interest groups etc. I see no reason why this should be treated any differently, especially if we want to avoid trouble and arousing some people.
And seriously. Hitler card is extremely weak in any serious debate that doesn't have to do with WWII.