would they allow me to play world of warcraft in my underwear 8 to 10 hours a day?
Possibility A:
Your local library does not provide users with access to the internet.
There's nothing they can really do about it. Your question may raise heads and prompt awkward pauses at the loans desk.
Possibility B:
Your local library does provide users with access to the internet.
The librarians are all at least 50 years old. They will have no idea what World of Warcraft is and likely repress any thought of you in your underwear (see Result A, above).
You could try installing the game on one of their computers. I don't think they'd really notice or trouble themselves with it. Play from opening 'til closing time--that should make up at least 8 of the hours you wanted.
On the other hand the librarians may take issue with your state of undress whilst inside the lbrary and ask you to leave. Employ cunning: wear a pair of shorts and a singlet instead. Shorts are practically boxers anyhow and no one said anything about wearing anything underneath them. Though if you do, I recommend a pair of that male lingerie they sell nowadays. You know, in case you get hit by a bus.
Lastly, remember that your local library is not a bank, and has likely acquired the cheapest internet connection available from the shoddiest, most unreliable service provider on the market. Imagine the face of poor Mrs Twiddley, head librarian, as the city council bears down upon her with complaints about the cost of the library's new "internet cafe". Think of her 15 cats--Twinkles, Lollipop, Twinkles Jr., Lollipop Jr., Twinkles Jr. Jr., Lollipop Jr. Jr. and the rest--as they resort to cannibalism because Mrs Twiddley agreed to take a pay cut to bear the cost of your WoW addiction. For shame, Dis. For shame.