I thought the ending was very Christian.
Harry knows he has to die at the hands of Voldemort in order that Voldemort may die himself. He does this. And his motivation is that other innocents may not die because of his cowardice. Due to this act of sacrifice, and love, Voldemort is no longer able to kill or destroy in any way the people for whom Harry gave himself up.
In the books, the very speaking of Voldemort's name was enough to cause trouble, to draw his attention. In many old cultures, it was thought that the speaking of the name of Satan would bring bad luck.
Jesus consciously chose to die to save us from our sins, so that we may be free of the curse of Satan's hell. And through him, we are redeemed. As the son of God, and as was prophesied in the OT, he was the only one so capable.
Harry consciously chose to die to save his people from the curse of Voldemort's power. And through him, they were saved. As the son of a woman who had sacrificed her life for him, and as the prophecy foretold, he was the only so capable.
I haven't done a detailed study, but I'm sure sure there are many more parallels. These two were the most striking and obvious ones.
Hopefully, this will lead to more Christians understanding that HP isn't the spawn of the devil.
Harry knows he has to die at the hands of Voldemort in order that Voldemort may die himself. He does this. And his motivation is that other innocents may not die because of his cowardice. Due to this act of sacrifice, and love, Voldemort is no longer able to kill or destroy in any way the people for whom Harry gave himself up.
In the books, the very speaking of Voldemort's name was enough to cause trouble, to draw his attention. In many old cultures, it was thought that the speaking of the name of Satan would bring bad luck.
Jesus consciously chose to die to save us from our sins, so that we may be free of the curse of Satan's hell. And through him, we are redeemed. As the son of God, and as was prophesied in the OT, he was the only one so capable.
Harry consciously chose to die to save his people from the curse of Voldemort's power. And through him, they were saved. As the son of a woman who had sacrificed her life for him, and as the prophecy foretold, he was the only so capable.
I haven't done a detailed study, but I'm sure sure there are many more parallels. These two were the most striking and obvious ones.
Hopefully, this will lead to more Christians understanding that HP isn't the spawn of the devil.