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Beijing steamed buns include cardboard.

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  • Beijing steamed buns include cardboard.

    A new Chinese Taste Treat. One food controversy after another.
    Fiber is good for people. That's what I hear.

    BEIJING - Chopped cardboard, softened with an industrial chemical and flavored with fatty pork and powdered seasoning, is a main ingredient in batches of steamed buns sold in one Beijing neighborhood, state television said.

    The report, aired late Wednesday on China Central Television, highlights the country's problems with food safety despite government efforts to improve the situation.

    Countless small, often illegally run operations exist across China and make money cutting corners by using inexpensive ingredients or unsavory substitutes. They are almost impossible to regulate.

    State TV's undercover investigation features the shirtless, shorts-clad maker of the buns, called baozi, explaining the contents of the product sold in Beijing's sprawling Chaoyang district.

    Baozi are a common snack in China, with an outer skin made from wheat or rice flour and and a filling of sliced pork. Cooked by steaming in immense bamboo baskets, they are similar to but usually much bigger than the dumplings found on dim sum menus familiar to many Americans.

    The hidden camera follows the man, whose face is not shown, into a ramshackle building where steamers are filled with the fluffy white buns, traditionally stuffed with minced pork.

    The surroundings are filthy, with water puddles and piles of old furniture and cardboard on the ground.

    "What's in the recipe?" the reporter asks. "Six to four," the man says.

    "You mean 60 percent cardboard? What is the other 40 percent?" asks the reporter. "Fatty meat," the man replies.

    The bun maker and his assistants then give a demonstration on how the product is made.

    Squares of cardboard picked from the ground are first soaked to a pulp in a plastic basin of caustic soda — a chemical base commonly used in manufacturing paper and soap — then chopped into tiny morsels with a cleaver. Fatty pork and powdered seasoning are stirred in.

    Soon, steaming servings of the buns appear on the screen. The reporter takes a bite.

    "This baozi filling is kind of tough. Not much taste," he says. "Can other people taste the difference?"

    "Most people can't. It fools the average person," the maker says. "I don't eat them myself."

    The police eventually showed up and shut down the operation.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
    "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
    He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead

  • #2
    I thought this was about an Asian-themed porn movie
    Let us be lazy in everything, except in loving and drinking, except in being lazy – Lessing


    • #3
      McD's has been making food taste like cardboard for decades. Now, the Chinese make cardboard taste like food? I salute them.
      Long time member @ Apolyton
      Civilization player since the dawn of time


      • #4
        Maybe if they eat some termites at the same time it'll be OK.
        Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Ben Franklin
        Iain Banks missed deadline due to Civ | The eyes are the groin of the head. - Dwight Schrute.
        One more turn .... One more turn .... | WWTSD


        • #5
          The neat thing is, you can eat the box it comes in too!
          Long time member @ Apolyton
          Civilization player since the dawn of time


          • #6
            Environmentally correct.
            Yeah, that's China in a nutshell, isn't it?
            Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
            "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
            He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


            • #7
              Bao's are nice, I prefer the Char Siew ones.

              Bao's are often served with a small square piece of paper underneath it, and of course the heat from the Bao causes the paper to stick to the bao so much that you can't peel it off without destroying the bao, so you end up eating some of the paper as well.
              be free


              • #8
                Lancer, and anyone else, you ever notice McDonalds' adverts never show a piece of beef seperate from the burger?

                I noticed Burger King does, there are pictures of just their beef patties and nothing else, but I never see McDonalds do the same with any of their pictures or adverts.

                I guess this is because it looks like crap, if you ever take the pattie out of the burger and actually look at it, it doesn't look like a piece of meat, it looks like brown rubbery stuff.

                Another thing I noticed is that the flavour and the size of the burgers has dropped. It's as if there's some sort of top-level plan to slowly reduce the size of the burgers over the years, so slow that you can't tell. But I swear, I remember as a kid the burgers being quite big and very flavoursome, but now quite plain and pathetic looking.
                Last edited by FrostyBoy; July 13, 2007, 00:23.
                be free


                • #9
                  Wendy's looks like crap, bun or not.
                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                  "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                  He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                  • #10
                    Not as bad as the infant milk powder scandal a while back

                    Another link:
                    Last edited by phoenixcager; July 13, 2007, 08:12.
                    The Civilization Gaming Network


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sn00py
                      Lancer, and anyone else, you ever notice McDonalds' adverts never show a piece of beef seperate from the burger?

                      I noticed Burger King does, there are pictures of just their beef patties and nothing else, but I never see McDonalds do the same with any of their pictures or adverts.

                      I guess this is because it looks like crap, if you ever take the pattie out of the burger and actually look at it, it doesn't look like a piece of meat, it looks like brown rubbery stuff.

                      Another thing I noticed is that the flavour and the size of the burgers has dropped. It's as if there's some sort of top-level plan to slowly reduce the size of the burgers over the years, so slow that you can't tell. But I swear, I remember as a kid the burgers being quite big and very flavoursome, but now quite plain and pathetic looking.
                      Decades of corp weenies maxing profits. You know that guy that saved some airlines a million bucks by cutting one olive out of the salads? He's everywhere!
                      Long time member @ Apolyton
                      Civilization player since the dawn of time


                      • #12
                        The story is apparently a fake:

                        Associated Press

                        BEIJING – A freelance reporter for a Beijing television station has been detained for faking a hidden camera report about street vendors who used chemical-soaked cardboard to fill meat buns, local media said Thursday.

                        The report came amid a spate of real food scares involving toxic fish, tainted pork and egg yolks colored with a cancer-causing dye that have harmed China's reputation as an exporter and alarmed people at home.

                        The story, allegedly shot with a hidden camera, was broadcast on Beijing Television and China Central Television last week and created a buzz on the Internet, with people flooding chatrooms with comments expressing shock and disgust.

                        The state-run Beijing Youth Daily said that the creator of the fake news report, identified only by his surname Zi had been detained by police but did not say when.

                        Golfing since 67


                        • #13
                          It's yin26's plan to recycle all those tasty civ4 boxes.
                          Clash of Civilization team member
                          (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
                          web site and forum here on apolyton)


                          • #14
                            I wonder why he faked it. Did he think he gain some publicity for it? He's a reporter in China: any publicity is bad publicity.
                            “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                            "Capitalism ho!"


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Lancer
                              Now, the Chinese make cardboard taste like food? I salute them.

