Originally posted by DRoseDARs
And this is even dumber than what Cyber posted. It has everything to do with Iraq.
al-Qaida was in Afghanistan, not Iraq. Resources being used to fight al-Qaida and the remnants of the new-deposed Taliban in Afghanistan were redirected to Iraq, where neither entity existed. The Taliban and al-Qaida have retaken much of Afghanistan because our attention and resources were diverted elsewhere, Iraq, which allowed them to also slip into Pakistan to bolster anti-Musharraf, radical fundamentalists in that country. In taking those actions, we've greatly exacerbated the threat to the stability of Musharraf's government. We made it much more possible for the anti-Musharraf elements to move against him and take control of that country as well.
And this is even dumber than what Cyber posted. It has everything to do with Iraq.
al-Qaida was in Afghanistan, not Iraq. Resources being used to fight al-Qaida and the remnants of the new-deposed Taliban in Afghanistan were redirected to Iraq, where neither entity existed. The Taliban and al-Qaida have retaken much of Afghanistan because our attention and resources were diverted elsewhere, Iraq, which allowed them to also slip into Pakistan to bolster anti-Musharraf, radical fundamentalists in that country. In taking those actions, we've greatly exacerbated the threat to the stability of Musharraf's government. We made it much more possible for the anti-Musharraf elements to move against him and take control of that country as well.
Musharraf can not afford giving the US too much of a helping hand without being overthrown by his own country men. Even people in his own military intelligence structure are working against him, because fanatical Islam is a really strong motivator.
Yes, Iraq has took important assets from Afghanistan, intelligence wise, and in special forces etc.
But, this also has alot to do with Musharraf needing to strike political deals in order to stay in power.
Musharraft stays in power by playing his cards right with the Islamists in his own country, that have a free passage to and from Afghanistan. It is tribal land, and no actual borders or government control exist there. Similar to much of central asia and the middle east.
Thinking that had US forces stayed there in large numbers, they could have sealed the Pakistani-Afghanistan border is laughable, and a clash with political reality.
Had the border been closed, Pakistan would have seen a blacklash from Islamists, and Musharraf would have fallen. A continued large US presense in the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, or a direct conflict with pro-Taliban pakistani forces and US troops would have brough Musharraf down.