Aj oluejs uondered wot it wud bi lajk if pipul uer rajtin' inglisz uords juzin' dejr oun languad¿is ruls
for egzampul,
Comfortable = komftybul
queen = kuin
Aj think it kud be fan tu si hau it differs in diffrent languadzis.
Ui ken hew sam interestin' konwersejszyn ebaut samthin' dis uej. Aj wonder hau macz ar wi goin' to anderstend aut of icz aders uoerds.
(I can not use ³, so I'm using u instead; there's no th, so I am leaving it the way it is if it's th as in think, but make it d if it's th as in mother)
do it yourself
for egzampul,
Comfortable = komftybul
queen = kuin
Aj think it kud be fan tu si hau it differs in diffrent languadzis.
Ui ken hew sam interestin' konwersejszyn ebaut samthin' dis uej. Aj wonder hau macz ar wi goin' to anderstend aut of icz aders uoerds.
(I can not use ³, so I'm using u instead; there's no th, so I am leaving it the way it is if it's th as in think, but make it d if it's th as in mother)
do it yourself