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Mind Control and Enculturation

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  • Mind Control and Enculturation

    I have some ideas about how the elites really could be running things via using psychics and mind control. Pretty speculative, and might even be outlandish, but we have to look to new horizons to see new things!


    *This is a fictional story. Any coincidences between names, events, places, and times are purely coincidental.*

    The Life of Frederick Franklin Blake
    by Nicholas Pietrzk

    From Grand Haven, Michigan there was a human male named Frederick Franklin Blake. He was born to a family of English stock. As a young boy he went to St. Andrew’s Catholic private elementary school. One thing Freddy made sure not to do was to never become an altar boy. Freddy personally did not want to be one since he was pathologically lazy. But, as society as a whole later found out, this was for the better. As Freddy would later find out, he probably would have been caught up in a vile net of the most wicked sorts with no escape.

    As a first grader, Freddy was harassed at school by a kid named Mark Dramady. This was stopped when Freddy told his mother, and was subsequently spoiled by his mother by her stepping in. Later on in his elementary schooling he would get further harassment. Once when Freddy was playing football in a fellow student’s front yard, Freddy fell and hit a stone with his hip, only partially hurting it. A few moments later Mark Dramady commented, “Scott will be coming out.”

    Freddy later went to high school and got further harassment. He got called Pea for some reason. Of course, he cried, and his parents stepped in and further spoiled him. These things done were to start getting the ball going on Freddy’s trauma based programming and behavioral modification. You see, Freddy was part of a global-level mind control project. There were several appropriate goals that could make the Grand Freddy Project a success. One was to have Freddy be a gay sex-slave who slavishly-obedient-lapdog-slave-goodylittlefascist that always did as he told; this was especially to be useful for patterning the other slaves’ behavior after for the future global police state and situations! Another route would end up with Freddy as to save the world as a vibrantly-effeminate-gay-sex-slave-mind-control-controlled-opposition-figurehead for a catalyst event to help spur on the creation of a police state! The elites were always very pragmatic and cautious with what they would do with Freddy. Although this did not prevent them from making monumental mistakes.

    Additionally, this was when the mind control personnel of the psychic inquisition, controlled by the elite, incidentally, started their efforts to make Freddy go into football. Of course this did not go very well. Freddy was more of a studious and extremely lazy type. He also was very unsociable and shy. Very unfriendly! How else were we to build up the elite’s future uber-mensch ideal patriot?

    Also, some of Freddy’s old classmates from his private elementary school ended up following him to his high school, even though they had said they would be attending other high schools.

    Early on in his high school career, the elites of the world put in a mind-controlled female into his sphere of experience. This human female’s name was Gem Syria. She had to pretend she was obsessed with Freddy. Freddy would also be mind controlled at the same time to openly resist her. This was done for several major reasons. One was to condition Freddy into thinking that he was valuable as a mate to human females, if the elites ever needed to use that as a way to gain physical control over Freddy’s body to free Scott. Second was to condition Freddy to react in a resistant and homosexual manner to advances from human females; if he thought these were his true feelings, then he would be more likely to follow the set programming routines in the future in similar situations; one especially strong feature of this homosexuality would be paranoia about females. Third, this was to give him the public displaying of homosexual behavior so that later homosexuality could be confirmed by past behavioral display; also, this could also be used to further induce the inculcation of homosexuality amongst the human beings of the world! Fourth, would be to have Gem slotted up for later usage, if it ever became necessary or prudent. Fifth, would be the creation of opportunities to slanders and rumor about Freddy in his social communities in order for three main goals; the first would be to slander him and isolate him from the communities around him. This had to be done in order to make it easier to seize or destroy him if the situation or need ever arise. The second reason would be to make him paranoid and distrustful of others, if he had ever heard it; first reinforcing his homosexuality and second to create even further isolation. The third reason would be that it would be another perfect avenue to inculcate further mind control via peppering of the audial sensory receptors by subliminal messaging and environmental bathing.

    But Freddy had also had a fleeting encounter with Gem prior to his high school career. One day he was walking home from school. There were two sisters, one being Gem, in the neighbor’s yard at their door, pretending to ring the doorbell and introduce themselves. Freddy entered his home and did his usual routine. A few minutes later the sisters rang Freddy’s front door. Freddy came down, looked through the peephole. But Freddy did not open the door. The sisters stood there, waiting. Freddy was resisting another scripted event his masters, the elites had set up for him! Eventually, Freddy heard one of the sisters say that “He’s not going to open the door.” Then they went away. You see, Freddy was looking through the peephole and watching them! But they knew that he was not going to open the door….as the sisters were both psychics and reading Freddy’s mind!

    You see, in this world, there really are psychics. The elites like to use them to help control and enslave the world. Sometimes the elite just pattern people’s personalities off of archetypes or things that are experienced. Or directly off of other entities. Other times there are direct commands given to people. Yes, in this world, there was psychic communication occurring between people! Did you ever notice that there are several direct conditioning level commands given via culture that would help with the aim of mind controlling individuals via psychics? “Listen to your inner voice.” Why could that not be a psychic commanding and ultimately controlling you? “Listen to your conscience.” Why could that not be a psychic manipulating you by posing as your internal values? The idea of voices in people’s minds is a very common theme and concept in songs and music. Or how about the idea of a duality of entities within the mind; one being the angelic type, the other being the demonic type; this has been showcased a lot within cartoons and TV shows. And it has been shown that mass media like that is very influential on the human mind. Or even the very idea that a god was inside a person’s head dictating how a person felt, acted, even thought, and even forgot. And there was no limit to what could be put inside people’s heads. Even images, videos, sounds, and fake memories.

    But in this world, if you ever dared speak or write about hearing voices, you’d be labeled a nut and locked up. And when you got into the hands of whatever insane asylum they put you, you’d be directly in the hands of agents of the elites. Sometimes people would go into the elites’ hands, and never leave the facility. Personas were created and destroyed within such studios of the mind, as the Psychic Inquisition would like to say. People would be medicated into hallucinations and very insanity itself. Others would be openly used as sex toys and be raped and used as mere pleasure devices. There was even a whole segment of society permanently damage and discarded due to the work at these facilities; but the crimes of the Psychic Inquisition extended throughout the entire societies of Earth.

    But Freddy was a lucky and singularly unique individual. You see, he inherited from his spoiling mother a genetic trait of lazy eye. Ergo, Freddy was basically one-eyed. This is very consequential, as this single change in his physiological anatomy helped save him from becoming Scott. This altered his neural networking so much, that traditional mind control was less effective upon Freddy. Usually people experience things directly through their personal avatars, if reached, as if it were real experiences. But this was not the case with Freddy. He was immune in a lot of other ways. His avatar may experience whatever trauma and pain inflicted upon it inside an imaginary world, but his very personality would be mostly immune to the fake trauma. It had to be real for Freddy to experience it. The elites even had developed technologies of mind-manipulation, possibly. May directed energy types. They could even control human drives and body functions, such as remotely inducing seizures. So the greatest existential irony was that, for such a humanity enslaving role for the human species, the elites had picked the worst individual to use as a vessel for one of their slaves.

    The elites had ordered the Psychic Inquisition to create, at first, two operant personas within Freddy. The first would be their ideal mind controlled sex slave, Scott Blank. Basically, the first would be the ‘angelic,’ in the elite’s viewpoint, persona. The second would be the completely vile and detestable Craig Kramer, the second would be the ‘demonic’ persona. “We don’t want Craig, we want Scott, Freddy.” That was an oft-repeated mantra of the Psychic Inquisition and their ancillary entities.

    Another part of the Grand Freddy Project was to inculcate into Freddy a choice of vocation where he would be hostile to the career field he would wind up in. The elites had settled on accounting, as the business world was a cruel place, and Freddy’s interest in life really was history. The first line of reasoning would be to create a situation where Freddy would be openly resentful and hateful of his vocational choice and/or career. This would increase the likelihood and probability that he would run off and join the military; incidentally, Freddy was to go into the marines! Or that he would be more pliant and accept the openly slavery that is a draft. Either way, we’d have Scott Blank around to save the world! Even though, as controlled opposition he’d end up helping the elite consolidate their position by proving them with their reason for the open, unlawful seizure of society. Also, the elites would make sure there would be no advancement for Freddy to any leadership position in any capacity, any where. Scott was to be an open slave. And to make sure that the elites got their way, the elites would make sure that Freddy would end up being Scott.

    Once, Freddy ended up going to a high school in his region for an extracurricular activity’s meet. While he was waiting to get an exam, a pair of human beings sat in the two desks to his right. One was Mina Wittycock. The other was Randy Villagebarn. Freddy was resistently antisocial as usual. Mina tried to initiate conversation with Freddy, but Freddy just put his head down on the desk. You see, this might have been one of the many ways that Scott would have come out to be the police state’s poster boy used to help enslave the world! But alas, the elites were foiled again. You see, there was a problem in the slave Freddy’s mind. He was openly resisting too many of the elite’s commands, programming, and influences! In essence, Freddy was a fugitive slave from the plantation of the mind. Freddy came to think of the elite’s plantation of the mind as the Field of Dreams, however. Freddy just gave too much backtalk to the elite.

    And there were similarities that paralleled between Gem and Mina, which were for Freddy to notice. The first of these was the fact that the hair color was dark in color, usually black. Next, was the fact that there was shortness in height.

    Later on in existence, Freddy went on a Math Team trip to future first university that he would attend. But, in the same room as his team was working, Freddy was greated with several of the kids from a different school appearing in openly mocking dress of the nerd/geek/dweeb archetype. This was to insult Freddy, as he was openly resisting the elite too much. One of the possible pathways of action that Freddy was to take in response to this insult was to become more ‘cool.’ That is develop a persona that was more open and outward looking; this would be more easily controlled by the elite. If this did not work, then it would serve enough purpose to damage the psyche of Freddy. This would be the furtherance of the trauma-based mind control.

    The way that most people use name-calling is a variation of the idea of the simple insult. Label your intended target(s) with some idea or term; this should put them on the defensive, usually; this thus rephrases the terms of the debates and enables the intended mind control.

    Also, during his high school years, Freddy’s family had moved to a new home. There were several purposes for this. One was to allow an opportunity to the elite for some goons to break into and enter the new family home, possibly even leaving a replacement Freddy. The first night of the move in, Freddy had an urge that he needed to sleep in his new room; but this would leave him alone there, with no parents to protect him. Freddy’s father did not let him, though. This probably had saved Freddy and his real family a lot of heartache; for Freddy would have been destined to an existence of being a sex slave of the elites and their agents, as well as many various roles and tasks he would have had to endure becoming a directly controlled mind controlled slave. Another was that since Freddy had been within an environment that had been rendered as associated with the hostility of harassment, the elites had trouble forcing him to accept new roles and tasks. This new high school would be a clean slate, so to speak.
    "Truth against the world" - Eire

  • #2
    Why can't you be a non-conformist just like everybody else?

    It's no good (from an evolutionary point of view) to have the physique of Tarzan if you have the sex drive of a philosopher. -- Michael Ruse
    The Nedaverse I can accept, but not the Berzaverse. There can only be so many alternate realities. -- Elok


    • #3

      I think that the gov. uses aspartame to control ppls minds. But then, I'm crazy.


      • #4

        To be a great person, you do not necessarily need to be a good man.

        "I think that the gov. uses aspartame to control ppls minds. But then, I'm crazy."

        You actually are right. Aspartame breaks down into formaldehyde within the brain, no matter what the FDA and other propagandists claim, and attacks the neural networks themselves; this actually reduces brain processing capacity. Therefore, since there is a limitation imposed on the scope of brain processing power of the human brain, there is a control being exerted on the mind. So, there is no joke to saying aspartame is being used as mind control, to those who think and believe like me.
        "Truth against the world" - Eire


        • #5
          I first misread the title as Ming control


          • #6
            “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
            "Capitalism ho!"


            • #7
              I recommend you don your foil hats. Some take it too far, however

              Speaking of Erith:

              "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


              • #8
                Is Slaughtermeyer your d/l?
                I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Provost Harrison
                  I recommend you don your foil hats. Some take it too far, however
                  Bah, let them control my mind. I never use that anyway.

                  But I'll take a pair of those aluminum jock straps.


                  • #10
                    No other login for me. A Poly staffer can confirm that.
                    "Truth against the world" - Eire

