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Kuwaiti Newspaper: Syria behind rocket attack from Lebanon this Sunday

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  • Kuwaiti Newspaper: Syria behind rocket attack from Lebanon this Sunday


    Report: Assad linked to Katyusha rocket attack
    Syrian President Bashar Assad was linked to Sunday's Katyusha rocket attack on Kiryat Shmona, the Kuwaiti Al Siyasah newspaper reported on Monday.

    In an exclusive article, the paper claimed that Assad's motive was his anger at the Arab League foreign ministers' positions during last week's Cairo summit, particularly the stances of Egypt and Saudi Arabia, who called for an end to Syrian involvement in Lebanon.

    UNIFIL: Rocket fire breach of cease-fire

    According to the newspaper, Assad reacted harshly to the criticism, saying: "They will see how I will plough up Lebanon."

    A previously unknown Islamic terrorist group claimed responsibility on Monday for the Katyusha attack.

    The self-proclaimed group, "the Jihadi Badr Brigades - Lebanon branch," vowed in a statement to continue attacks on Israel.

    "We had promised our people Jihad (holy war). Here, we again strike the Zionists when a group from the Jihadi Badr Brigades struck the Zionists in the occupied Palestinian territory," the statement said.

    Al Siyasah did not say whether the Katyusha attack was perpetrated with Assad's silent agreement or after a specific instruction from the Syrian leader.

    Arabic origin translated via Google Translate

    Assad threatened to "plow Lebanon" and Katyusha rockets predicts

    Beirut - "Politics" :

    Damascus - particular :

    Reliable sources told "politics" that the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was dissatisfied with the decisions of the last meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Cairo after the transfer mechanism and Foreign Minister Walid Mualem position of Saudi Arabia, Egypt firm on the refusal of Syrian interference in Lebanon and Damascus support terrorist groups to destabilize its security. He said Assad literally "will see how Saharth Lebanon".

    In response to Assad's words yesterday evening, the elements of the Popular Front-General Command, headed by Ahmed Jibril fired 107 mm Katyusha rockets modified in Iran, two of which hit Kiryat Shmona in northern Israel.

    The sources said that there are more than eighty rockets ready for launch in batches so as to move the front with Israel, igniting the situation after information that the Lebanese army is now etched or lower end of the Nahr el-Bared camp and the elimination of gang Shaker Al-Absi.

    The sources revealed that there challenging for the Syrian army to the Syrian-Lebanese border on the Bekaa conjunction with the rumors about preparedness in the ranks of both "Fatah Intifada" and "Popular Front" in their positions in the Bekaa.

    The arena shook southern Lebanon yesterday to launch a number of Katyusha rockets at the settlement of Kiryat Shemona, in northern Israel, two rockets landed in the colony mentioned as a third rocket landed near the site of forces "UNIFIL" in the town of Hula in southern Lebanon, The rocket was found near a fourth Udaysah had not used responsible for the firing of rockets after unable to launch.

    This is the first incident of its kind since the cessation of the war launched by Israel in July of last year against Lebanon, has hastened "Hezbollah" denied any responsibility for the incident, with the accusing fingers of accusation towards Palestinian groups loyal to Syria. a possibility that Reighth Lebanese security sources on the basis of preliminary investigations and eyewitnesses spoke of a car or two civilian vehicles carrying gunmen and rockets to have been launched.

    Israel also attacked Palestinian quarters responsibility incident, and quoted an Israeli official accompanying Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who is visiting the United States that the Palestinians are the ones who stand behind the firing of rockets on Kiryat Shemona and they were trying to provoke an Israeli military response, but Israel would not be dragged behind it.

    In spite of the direct targeting of missiles and long northern Israel, there is another targeted by some observers is undermining the security and stability of Lebanon and distract the Lebanese army who rushed to strengthen patrols and security points in the vicinity of the firing of rockets and some roads leading to and from the south in search of the suspect vehicle transporting rockets and the gunmen who they unleashed.

    In southern Lebanon to the north remains one security worries were faced with the remnants of the army band Shaker Al-Absi Bared camp for Palestinian refugees.


    (lots of other stuff about implications in Lebanon - siro)

    Last edited by Sirotnikov; June 18, 2007, 10:18.

  • #2
    Reflex response - "its a kuwaiti paper, ergo controlled by teh eevil neocons" Head back in sand.
    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


    • #3
      Strange. This was might first though, exactly.

