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Human Traffickers: Heartless Criminals or Overlooked Victims?

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  • Human Traffickers: Heartless Criminals or Overlooked Victims?

    I'm sure we've all heard how "evil" those who traffic in human beings are. How depraved one would have to be in order to profit off of the suffering of those who have had their freedom stolen. But what of the other side of the coin?

    Only a total naif would be able to honestly claim that these hardworking men do not contribute to the greater good. In the developed world there are jobs in sweatshops and brothels being unfilled by domestic labour, while in the undeveloped world there is a huge pool of people perfectly suited to these occupations.

    Nor are those in the developed world the only ones to profit from this relationship. In addition to the obvious benefit of ridding themselves of underproductive individuals, the exporters of this particular natural resource also receive a much-needed influx of foreign capital, accelerating their development so that one day they too may find themselves in a position to import talent from overseas. The traffickers themselves spend large amounts of money while in port, while the freight is often purchased directly from its family. In more mature markets, the existence of a mechanism to readily convert human capital into currency also allows the poor to more easily obtain loans secured by the collateral of a strong back or a pretty face. We have all heard recently of the "microcredit" scheme making a tremendous difference in places like Bangladesh, where relatively paltry loans are allowing small producers to modernise their production methods. When a particularly striking 12 year-old Filipina can bring up to 5000 $US (spot price, Long Beach Harbor), who would be afraid to lend her father 2000$ to fix the family tractor and install a modern irrigation system?

    Those who perform the sadly necessary task of transporting people from where there is an excess of human capital and a shortage of demand for its use are usually drawn from the same rung of society as the cargo itself is. Some of them are even the children of previous generations of the less-voluntary labour force. This cycle of trafficking is a difficult one to break. The parents' unfortunate career situation often reduces the children's educational prospects, and less than half of them attend top tier universities. Often, it is a case of "enslave or be enslaved".

    Many may simply turn up their noses at these unpleasant truths, but most of those who do are simply hypocrites. How many of us thoroughly research the clothes we wear to make sure they aren't produced with sweated labour? How many of us really know if the charming Russian girl we rented last night freely immigrated here to practice her art? How many of us would be willing to advance a few hundred dollars to a Somali cattle herder without knowing that in the event of default we could sell him and his son to a curtain manufacturer in Guatemala? And how many of us would really reject this choice of career when we had become inured to it through personal or family experience and when the alternative was a life of crushing poverty? Sure, freedom is precious, but would you really give up your iPod?
    Last edited by KrazyHorse; April 30, 2007, 18:13.
    12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
    Stadtluft Macht Frei
    Killing it is the new killing it
    Ultima Ratio Regum

  • #2
    this is a false dichotomy.

    and while you can make a legit arguement that they provide something useful, they have few if any alternatives, that doesn't make what they do moral or acceptable.
    "I hope I get to punch you in the face one day" - MRT144, Imran Siddiqui
    'I'm fairly certain that a ban on me punching you in the face is not a "right" worth respecting." - loinburger


    • #3


      • #4
        KH actually have a point here. Though, it's not so easy after all. Recently there was a Nigerian girl here that contacted the police and disrupted the process - those who bought her lost a vast amount of money since she of course no longer was able to work.

        I think that it's nessecary to change some laws so people will be allowed to work until their debts are paid.
        With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

        Steven Weinberg


        • #5
          Forum Trolls: Mindless Idiots or Bored Physicists?

          I think what he meant to post was...

          I'm sure we've all heard how "evil" those who traffic in inciteful comments are. How depraved one would have to be in order to enjoy the anger of those who have had their pet subjects mocked. But what of the other side of the coin?

          Only a total naif would be able to honestly claim that these antisocial ***** do not contribute to the greater good. In the internet world there are forums about ricers and furry lifestyle being passed over by teenage flamers, while in the scholastic world there is a huge pool of people perfectly suited to infuriating these forum's occupants.

          Nor are those in the cyber world the only ones to profit from this relationship. In addition to the obvious benefit of ridding real life of incendiary individuals, the retorters of this particular offensive act also receive a much-needed outlet of pent up aggression, as well as increasing their rages so that one day they too may find themselves in a position to incite virtual violence at CFC. The flamers themselves spend large amounts of money on snack foods while posting, while the internet connection is often purchased directly from a local provider. In less mature forums, the existence of a mechanism to readily convert trolling into postcount also allows the newbies to more easily obtain titles secured by the passivity of a moderator or a forum administrator. We have all heard recently of the "flame wars" scheme making a tremendous difference in places like Dragonball Z Forums, where relatively inept trolls are allowing huge overreactions to inflate advertising views. When a particularly striking 12 year-old Filipina can bring in up to 5000 $US (daily, Web cam directed to by said forum advertising), who would be afraid to send her paypal 2000$ to buy the girl a new bondage suit and install a "hidden" camera system in her lavoratory?

          Those who perform the sadly necessary task of inciting people from where there is a shortage of poisonous vitriol, and a surplus of free time for its proliferation, are usually drawn from the same rung of society as the targets themselves. Some of them are even the targets of other forums filled with less-sociable member groups. This cycle of retribution is a difficult one to break. The initiator's unfortunate sexual situation often reduces the childs satisfication prospects, and less than half of them bag mid-top tier babes. Often, it is a case of "flame or browse for porn".

          Many may simply turn up their noses at these unpleasant truths, but most of those who do are simply hypocrites. How many of us thoroughly research the topics we post to make sure they aren't hurtful to other posters? How many of us really know if the charming Russian girl we chatted up last night isn't really a man? How many of us would be willing to admit to a few misworded sentences to a Texas cattle herder without knowing that in the event he did not ever see the concession we could mock his sexuality and his mother's promiscuity to a certain poster in Lithuania? And how many of us would really reject this choice of post-style when we had become inured to it through verbal or physical abuse and when the alternative was a life of crushing boredom? Sure, kindness is precious, but would you really give up your ad hominems?


          • #6
            Aeson, you'll have to pry my ad hominems from my cold, dead hands.
            Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


            • #7


              • #8
       - A wiki about computers, with focus on Linux support.


                • #9

                  grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                  The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.

