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German Judges : women can be beaten - if they're Muslim.
Originally posted by Pekka
"No jos telkkarissa sanotaan että X:n äänestäjät ovat natsirasisteja "
Näillä tarkotin lähinnä Olavi Mäenpäätä ja vastaavia kavereita. Jos et heitä rasisteiksi näe niin sitten sellaisia ei ole olemassakaan. Puhuin pienpuolueiden skitsoista.
"No niin, ja nyt huomaan että rohkeat johtopäätökseni ensimmäisessä vastauksessani olivat oikeita"
Juu, en todellakaan halua assosioitua Olavin puolueeseen.
Eurooppa menee alas ajan myötä, ehkä jo meidän elinaikana, mutta itse näen asiaan kyllä muita syitä, en niinkään tietynlaisen aineksen tulon, vaan sen tietynlaisen kiellettyjen puheenaiheiden listan, jonka Eurooppa itse itselleen antaa.
Miksi muuten on, että nämä ovat usein samoja henkilöitä jotka ottavat tiettyjä kantoja, tai siis myös nämä vapaussoturit usein haluavat kaikki muut leimata rasisteiksi ja junteiksi? Miten kyseinen ideologia on avarakatseista? Minusta se on ehkä päinvastoin.
I agree, let's end the threadjack here. We can revive the last Suomithreadi if you want to reply to this post.
Originally posted by VJ
If we want to go technical, then on the contrary, in your post you are making a strawman out of me by saying that I have made one out of you with my words. A sort of meta-strawman, if you will. But it is unfortunately very uncoherent one, since it basically says that (a) I have lied about you; (b) I'm speaking "out of my ass" and asserting things "out of my ass". Classy
If that makes me "intolerant", "islamophobic" or even "spinmeißter", so be it. I am not afraid to stand on the side of peace, justice and reason, no matter what the Official federal lexicon's label for it is or will be."
Since I was the only one using spinmeißter so far in this thread, the stuff above from you implies that I accuse you of being racist and islamophobic (btw, are you? - just curious ), and that I would not stand on the side of peace, justice and reason etc, etc, etc.
You didn't say clearly that I posted this word by word, but anyone with half a brain will know what you're aiming at. This kind of Gesinnungsterror has a long history in Germany
Getting touchy, aren't we? Am I hitting too close with my observations, for you're getting more and more personal ?
Are you aiming for special olympics by trying to "win" in an internet thread by writing replies and counter-replies ad infinitum even if you don't have anything constructive to say at all?Blah
Since I was the only one using spinmeißter so far in this thread, the stuff above from you implies that I accuse you of being racist and islamophobic (btw, are you? - just curious ), and that I would not stand of the side of peace, justice and reason etc, etc, etc.
You didn't say clearly that I posted this word by word, but anyone with half a brain will know what you're aiming at. This kind of Gesinnungsterror has a long history in Germany
Congrats, you took a generic statement of mine and automatically thought it was a personal attack on your very own private viewpoints (which none of us still know since you haven't posted anything constructive!) because you were too angry and hasty about this self-seen and self-fabricated personal attack in order to read my post properly.
I believe this mistake is known as a "Freudian slip" in English.
Are you?
Ahhh....more spin. #4
No, let's just keep it in english, maybe others can throw in their ideas as well.
So, basically we discussed Finland, immigration and the way some people and groups force the discourse of debates into certain direction, giving the racist card to anyone who dares to say anything. And we agreed that this is a bad thing. So the problem is mostly domestic.
Ok back to the discussion itself.
It's not the only thing realized, there's plenty. For example, some of the people we grouped into this one big group of pure wtf and no brain effort, well, I view that they have some interesting ideas that to me don't sound like equality or tolerance. For example, Hautala wanted to recruit what... 100k people? Cant' remember but it was A LOT, to work here. She was talking about high skilled jobs, because she mentioend YouTube and Google. Recruiting would be done with 'keys to the hand' principle, so you wouldn't have to wait in these places where refugees have to wait before they're cleared and accepted to enter.
Now, are we talking about refugees or immigrants? I'm sorry, but I can't see a lot of people recruited from the poorest places on earth establishing the new Google in here. If we want new Google, we want to recruit HIGHLY SKILLED people, and they need a bit more than 'welcome'. They need interesting opportunities, they need high end research and infrastructure to support it, they need stimulation and money. Period.
And in the same discussion, what we REALLY want according to the same people is folks who will do the jobs we can't be bothered to do anymore. Low paying labor, cleaning jobs etc. How is this about equality? This is basically stating that no, we don't want people who can compete with us, we want people who will cook and clean for us and we don't have to pay for it. Because that's what they are really saying.
There are two ways of dealing with this. a) to bring ****loads of people to be our servants and alienate further from the society, causing problems later on or b) reduce the number of unemployed people right now using methods were you have to take some of these jobs or you won't qualify for support.
Pragmatically thinking option b works in practice, while a is a suspect.In da butt.
"Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
"God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.
Originally posted by VJ
Implies to who, people who don't understand English?
Congrats, you took a generic statement of mine and automatically thought it was a personal attack on your very own private viewpoints (which none of us still know since you haven't posted anything constructive!) because you were too angry and hasty about this self-seen and self-fabricated personal attack in order to read my post properly.
I believe this mistake is known as a "Freudian slip" in English.
Otherwise I take it that your posts have no meaning at all beyond vague general babbling.Blah
And in the same discussion, what we REALLY want according to the same people is folks who will do the jobs we can't be bothered to do anymore. Low paying labor, cleaning jobs etc. How is this about equality? This is basically stating that no, we don't want people who can compete with us, we want people who will cook and clean for us and we don't have to pay for it. Because that's what they are really saying.
There are two ways of dealing with this. a) to bring ****loads of people to be our servants and alienate further from the society, causing problems later on or b) reduce the number of unemployed people right now using methods were you have to take some of these jobs or you won't qualify for support.
Your statements make only sense in the context of this thread, esp. within the last parts where we two were exchanging posts.
Otherwise I take it that your posts have no meaning at all beyond vague general babbling.
VJ, no, I know there's loads of unemployed immigrants. Stop putting words to my mouth.In da butt.
"Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
"God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.
Originally posted by VJ
Notice how I replied to you by saying that you were denying reality before making the statement in a different paragraph?
I wanted to avoid hypocricy by tackling reality myself and taking a personal stand, displaying a personal opinion on the court case.Blah
Originally posted by Pekka
VJ, no, I know there's loads of unemployed immigrants. Stop putting words to my mouth.
But it works on greedy people
Well I did say option b works and a doesn't..... that was kind of the point.
This is to say, I don't think we should be going to a scavenger hunt and get the most folks willing to come. If we want to recruit, let's recruit the highly skilled people. it only makes sense. I know people will get their panties twisted when that also means let's not recruit people with no skills, but come on, recruiting implies that there's work to be done, so you need skills, period. There's supposed to be return of investment with it and that's the point.In da butt.
"Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
"God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.
Well I did say option b works and a doesn't..... that was kind of the point.
No it's not. I don't celebrate May Day. It's nothing but a drinking orgy for the youth, an excuse to party, which in itself is OK. I don't believe in class society and I will not promote one.... so this be a working day for me, except I'll be working in home. So I can graduate and leave the country .In da butt.
"Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
"God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.
Originally posted by Ecthy
Been dreaming of arse lately? Repent!!!
Funnier than Goering being taken in by van Meegeren's fakes.
This gay is going from Spad to Wurst.Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.
...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915
V "apua neekerit valtaa Suomen" J
Why am I not surprised?
On Halla-Aho, there's few things as disgusting as a racist ****head hiding behind a mask of "civilised discussion". At least the nutbars are honest in their bigotry."On this ship you'll refer to me as idiot, not you captain!"
- Lone Star