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Public alcohol consumption

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  • #16
    All the bums load up on 40s in my neighborhood. Can't be that heavily of an enforced law.

    Used to be able to drink and throw parties on the National Mall. July 4 used to start with military units bringing kegs of beer onto the Mall near the Washington Monument in the morning. Drank and played football all day.

    I guess they finally decided that several hundred thousand drunk people in a crowd was straining cop coverage. But really, it wasn't much of a problem, even before the time they screened for firearms and other weapons.

    This new rule has had the unfortunate impact of Mall picnickers not being able to have open bottles of wine at the free concerts that they throw during the summer. But I'm sure you could figure out a way to avoid unwanted attention from the law in those instances.
    I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


    • #17
      My sis lives in Louisiana, where bars give to-go cups for your margaritas. They also have drive through margarita bars.

      I once flew in a plane next to a 60s-something lady from Louisiana. She said that they used to allow ice chests into Louisiana State University football games (in order to mix your drinks on location, of course). Must have finally decided that 90,000+ football fans on hard liquor wasn't such a good idea, because they discontinued the practice eventually. Now everybody just tailgates and gets their hard liquor pre-game.

      Different times nowadays.
      Last edited by DanS; April 9, 2007, 17:39.
      I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


      • #18
        Re: Re: Re: Public alcohol consumption

        Originally posted by KrazyHorse
        It may be different there, but if you walk around with a bottle of beer in plain view as you drink from it then you will get in trouble fairly quickly, even if you look otherwise "respectable".
        Drats. There go my holiday plans in canada

        Why do they think respectable folks can't handle their liquor?

        Originally posted by Ecthy
        IIUC it has recently been banned in Spain to avoid further "botellones" which means tons of young people meeting in one public spot (park etc.), drinking lots and leaving empty bottles.

        This is a major time passing for young Israelis before they get of age to enter cool bars (or if they're too poor to pay 5-6 bucks for a pint)

        Not to mention, this is the only chance for really really big parties of 40 people or so.


        • #19
          Viva la España franquista


          • #20
            No problems with public drinking here

            lucky us
            "An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
            "Non mortem timemus, sed cogitationem mortis." - Seneca


            • #21
              Public drinking.

              The highlight of Belgian public drinking is during the annual Ghent festivities in the summer time, when ten-thousands of people get loaded in the historic centre of Ghent. Lasts for over a week, features a host of free stages and more boozestalls than you can count. In particular the Vlasmarkt (a square) is legendary (or infamous) for drunken gatherings that last till noon the next day. It's nicknamed the flashmarkt for reasons you may guess on your own.
              DISCLAIMER: the author of the above written texts does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for any offence and insult; disrespect, arrogance and related forms of demeaning behaviour; discrimination based on race, gender, age, income class, body mass, living area, political voting-record, football fan-ship and musical preference; insensitivity towards material, emotional or spiritual distress; and attempted emotional or financial black-mailing, skirt-chasing or death-threats perceived by the reader of the said written texts.


              • #22
                Yes, one might say public drinking is institutional here.
                Take carnivals for example. That's partly folklore, but a boozefest just as much lasting for days!
                "An archaeologist is the best husband a women can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie
                "Non mortem timemus, sed cogitationem mortis." - Seneca


                • #23
                  Having liberal laws for fire arms and for alcohol doesn't seem to be a good idea. Every country has what it deserves.
                  Why doing it the easy way if it is possible to do it complicated?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by DanS
                    My sis lives in Louisiana, where bars give to-go cups for your margaritas. They also have drive through margarita bars.

                    I once flew in a plane next to a 60s-something lady from Louisiana. She said that they used to allow ice chests into Louisiana State University football games (in order to mix your drinks on location, of course). Must have finally decided that 90,000+ football fans on hard liquor wasn't such a good idea, because they discontinued the practice eventually. Now everybody just tailgates and gets their hard liquor pre-game.

                    Different times nowadays.
                    LSU was hit by the same SEC-wide ban on bringing alcohol into the stadium on gameday that led me to keep a steady supply of ziploc bags and buy a flask disguised as binoculars during my college days. Now they just get 90,000+ fans on hard liquor making sure the cop's head is turned before mixing. Buy a coke, drink enough to make room, then slip your miniature, flask, ziploc or whatever out and pour it in. Mix with one of those shakers they hand out to students and sell for a dollar to other fans. I've even seen people with catheter bags strapped around their waists, with the tube capped and tucked into a sock. Made dispensing clandestinely all the easier.

                    Note that the ban has a bit of a loophole: those with skyboxes are free to stock them with booze the day before the game.
                    Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


                    • #25
                      I like a can or few when making long train journeys

                      it makes them tolerable.


                      • #26
                        Either we grab a beer each, and go for a walk along a main road, and then talk about stuff as we walk. Or we take up some sort of public park or playground, and sit there, drinking beer, sometimes smoking a hookah.
                        You shoot prostitutes?


                        • #27
                          AFAIK it's generally illegal in France, but seldom if ever enforced.

                          A French buddy of mine was in Montreal and didn't know that it was not legal over there, and was blatantly drinking a beer on the street. The police approached him, and seeing he was French, tried to be cool - "hey buddy, I guess it's a root beer you're drinking here ?"

                          Since he had no clue, he told them "**** no, it's a beer man !"

                          In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.


                          • #28
                            We used to could drink and drive, just not be drunk and driving. They took that away.
                            Used to could sit out by the lake and have a beer. They took that away.
                            Used to could sit in the park. They took that away.
                            Could sit in the front yard, watch the sun go down while having a brew. They took that away.
                            Used to could smoke cigarettes in a bar. They took that away in many places, and it's applauded.
                            Things keep getting taken, and no one notices until their particular right is taken away.
                            Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                            "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                            He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                            • #29
                              I really miss my human right to make myself intoxicated while controlling several tons of metal.


                              • #30

                                A Doddler post actually being amusing
                                “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                                - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)

