Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
[I]t is unlikely that al-Qaeda is likely to prosper in Iraq should we leave. They have a lot of competition in Iraq, and I don't believe that they are really one of the stronger factions. I don't think they're even a dominant faction amongst Sunnis. If we leave it is possible that many of the factions fighting to drive us out will cease hostilities. Under such conditions al-Qaeda is unlikely to be able to maintain much of a presence in Iraq. If civil war breaks out al-Qaeda is still likely to lose, if only for the fact that they really don't have a common point with which to deal with the Shiite majority, and should they come out on top in a Sunnis dominated state in central Iraq I doubt that the neighboring Shiites would allow them to remain.
[I]t is unlikely that al-Qaeda is likely to prosper in Iraq should we leave. They have a lot of competition in Iraq, and I don't believe that they are really one of the stronger factions. I don't think they're even a dominant faction amongst Sunnis. If we leave it is possible that many of the factions fighting to drive us out will cease hostilities. Under such conditions al-Qaeda is unlikely to be able to maintain much of a presence in Iraq. If civil war breaks out al-Qaeda is still likely to lose, if only for the fact that they really don't have a common point with which to deal with the Shiite majority, and should they come out on top in a Sunnis dominated state in central Iraq I doubt that the neighboring Shiites would allow them to remain.
I also assume that AQ will continue to suppor the Sunni's after we leave because they will lable the Baghdad government a US puppet that has to be destroyed. Their continued struggle against the government will continue to generate support for AQ in the Sunni communitees across the planet.