Originally posted by Drake Tungsten
Lord Shiva is correct. Only the English would think that referring to residents of the sub-continent as "Asian" makes any sense at all...
Lord Shiva is correct. Only the English would think that referring to residents of the sub-continent as "Asian" makes any sense at all...
Uh, no, she replied, I meant people from the Indian subcontinent. Arrghhh! And of course she herself was Indian. Why do they get to claim the entire Asian landmass, and everyone in 'east' Asia has to make do with their own names? Her reason was that it's actually BBC policy to call everyone from the Indian subcontinent 'Asian'. I suspect this is because they're worried about pissing off the Indians/Bangladeshis/Pakistanis in case they mention one, but not any of the others, in any collective context (and of course the other guys would be annoyed if it was called the *Indian* subcontinent). Never mind the rest of the Asia! Idiots...