Originally referenced on-site by Adagio (http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...75#post3676075), the copy linked to is no longer available. A high-quality version of the "Don't Copy That Floppy" anti-piracy video
is available on YouTube. I came across this today and had not seen it before.
Courtesy Wikipedia:
My favourite comment posted in response on YT (so far) is 'kirbyks''s:

Courtesy Wikipedia:
Don’t Copy That Floppy was a software piracy ad campaign run by the Software Publishers Association (SPA) beginning in 1992, and has recently become a viral hit due to the advent of sites such as Google Video and YouTube. The film has been compared with the 1936 film Reefer Madness due to its tone and effectiveness (or lack thereof).
The video for the campaign, starring M.E. Hart as “MC Double Def DP,” was filmed at Cardozo High School in Washington, D.C. and produced by cooperation between the SPA, the Educational Section Anti-Piracy Committee, and the Copyright Protection Fund, in association with Vilardi Films, Ltd.
The video for the campaign, starring M.E. Hart as “MC Double Def DP,” was filmed at Cardozo High School in Washington, D.C. and produced by cooperation between the SPA, the Educational Section Anti-Piracy Committee, and the Copyright Protection Fund, in association with Vilardi Films, Ltd.
I promise I won't won't won't won't copy that floppy. Wait a minute, what's a floppy?
