I don't have a hard number, but I can put a lower bound on yours: 3,913,055.
Stop pulling a Dino. State your position. How do you judge the population is small enough to justify their disenfranchisement?
I think it's fairly silly, actually.
A majority of them voted against it. Congress would make them a state if they voted for it.
But DC can't be made a state; such a state would be too powerful. In the absense of that should PR get representatives in Congress?
We don't want them. I don't know that MD does either. And it's fairly important that the federal government be able to control its own seat.
Is there even another country where the capitol city in particular is denied representation in the legislature?
He used to be. In either event, the mayor of D.C. is ultimately subservient to the wishes of the congress. He has no power over them. Believe me. His hat is always in hand.
The same wouldn't be true of a senator or congresscritter. Indeed, the senators and congresscritter would be much higher positions than city mayor, somewhat of a flip from the way things are now.
The same wouldn't be true of a senator or congresscritter. Indeed, the senators and congresscritter would be much higher positions than city mayor, somewhat of a flip from the way things are now.