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Breaking News in Wales

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  • Breaking News in Wales

    Here you go, Slowwie...

    An amazing story just in:

    Village team rivals soccer champs

    TNS currently play at Treflan in Llansantffraid

    Football fans in a village which is home to Welsh Premier champions The New Saints (TNS) are looking to set up a rival team.

    TNS currently play in Llansantffraid, near Welshpool, but they intend to switch to Oswestry, Shropshire, and a new 3,000-seater stadium by 2010.

    This has prompted locals to establish Llansantffraid Village FC, and they hope to challenge TNS in the future.

    The team has applied to join an amateur league, but will start at the bottom.

    The new club is also looking to form a constitution, and part of it is designed to prevent sponsors from altering its name should it reach the heights of the Welsh Premier League.

    A decade ago TNS were known as Llansantffraid FC, but they changed their name following a sponsorship deal with Shropshire-based IT firm Total Network Solutions.

    Ray Jones, manager of Llansantffraid Village FC, said: "TNS are going to move to Oswestry, but there are lads in the village who want to play football.

    "TNS' reserve side (who play in the Spar Mid Wales League) are made up of youngsters from Walford College (near Oswestry) and are not from the village.

    "We have applied to join the JT Hughes Montgomeryshire Amateur League and hopefully within about two to three years we could be playing in the Spar or Cymru Alliance."

    Llansantffraid Village FC's application to join the league will be discussed in the summer.

    European matches

    Mr Jones added that there was no animosity towards TNS, and said some of the club's old committee members were now helping to manage the new village side.

    Ian Williams, TNS' general manager, said the club did not "have an issue" with the villagers' plans.

    "Something we have to resolve is the usage of the pitch (in Llansantffraid)," he added.

    TNS' new stadium is earmarked for a 24-acre site known as Oswald Park, less than 10 miles from Llansantffraid.

    The ground will allow TNS to stage European matches.
    OMG, seismic activity off the scale involving Wales' Football Premier League Champions!
    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

  • #2
    Crapski. How boring. No wonder you stick your nose where it doesn't belong.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
    "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
    He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


    • #3
      Boring? BORING!!???

      This is a story about the Welsh Premier League Football Champions!!! Boring...
      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


      • #4
        Dancing in the streets of Total Network Solutions


        • #5
          Sports forum.
          DISCLAIMER: the author of the above written texts does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for any offence and insult; disrespect, arrogance and related forms of demeaning behaviour; discrimination based on race, gender, age, income class, body mass, living area, political voting-record, football fan-ship and musical preference; insensitivity towards material, emotional or spiritual distress; and attempted emotional or financial black-mailing, skirt-chasing or death-threats perceived by the reader of the said written texts.


          • #6
            Accidental death for joyrider, 16

            A 16-year-old joyrider died after losing control of a car on a bend, an inquest in Caernarfon has heard.

            Student Terry Malcolm Williams, from Llanengan, Gwynedd, had taken his friend's car after a night out in Abersoch in June last year.

            He had drunk six pints and "some shots," and cannabis traces were found in his body, the inquest was told.

            Coroner Dewi Pritchard Jones recorded a verdict of accidental death, saying the teenager's actions caused the crash.

            Bryn Meredydd James Evans, the owner of a red Peugeot 106 car, told the inquest he had travelled to Abersoch with Terry Williams.

            He had parked his vehicle outside a house and hidden the keys, before going on a night out.

            Friend Mark Stephen Jackson said he bumped into Mr Williams on the street at the end of the evening.

            They had decided to "borrow" their friend's car for a drive and had intended to return it later.

            "We didn't pick a specific place to go, we just wanted to go for a drive and went along the minor roads," he told the inquest.

            As they came to Llanengan however, they were travelling at "considerable speed" and for no apparent reason the car hit a wall and turned over before travelling "quite a distance upside down".

            Mr Jackson was slightly injured in the accident, but was able to get out of the car.

            Post mortem results showed Terry Williams died from a trauma injury to the head.

            The car did not have any defects which could have contributed to the crash, a North Wales Police vehicle examiner said.

            Summing up, the coroner said: "In effect the car was stolen, although the intention had been to take it back.

            "Terry Williams decided to go joyriding and the impression I get is that he was driving at quite high speed."

            It was, he added, a combination of "lack of experience and the high level of alcohol" which caused Terry Williams to lose control on a left hand bend.
            Whoa! It's all happening here in Wales today!
            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Colonâ„¢
              Sports forum.
              No - it's IT news.


              • #8
                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                • #9
                  Time lord tourism boost for city

                  Doctor: Hwb i ymwelwyr

                  Dale Who gyda un o gymeriadau Doctor Who
                  Mae Dale Who wedi ymweld â Chaerdydd oherwydd y cyfresi

                  Mae'r cyfresi Doctor Who a Torchwood wedi codi Caerdydd i'r 10 uchaf o ran llefydd i gael gwyliau byr ym Mhrydain, yn ôl gwefan gwyliau.

                  Mae'r ddwy gyfres, sy'n cael eu ffilmio yn y de ddwyrain, wedi denu cefnogwyr i ymweld â llefydd amlwg yn y cyfresi.

                  Dywedodd Cyngor Caerdydd ei bod yn adeiladu "pecyn twristiaeth" o ganlyniad i lwyddiant y rhaglenni.

                  Fe wnaeth Dale Who o Brighton ddechrau ymweld â Chaerdydd oherwydd bod y ddinas yn "atyniadol" yn y cyfresi.

                  Yng nghyfres Doctor Who mae Caerdydd yn cael ei defnyddio fel Llundain neu ddinasoedd eraill ond mae Torchwood wedi cael ei osod yng Nghaerdydd.

                  Mae tu mewn y rhaglenni wedi cael eu hadeiladu yn bwrpasol mewn stiwdio arbennig yn Y Bad Uchaf ger Pontypridd.

                  Fe wnaeth gwefan lunio'r rhestr o'r 10 lle mwya poblogaidd.


                  Fe wnaethon nhw drafod gydag arbenigwyr lleol i ganfod tueddiadau i ymweld â llefydd oherwydd ffilmiau a rhaglenni teledu.

                  Mae Mr Who, 33 oed, wedi dychwelyd i Gaerdydd ar dri achlysur ac wedi cael argraff dda o adeiladau modern Bae Caerdydd.

                  "Mae 'na lawer o gefnogwyr yn ymweld â'r ddinas, yn neidio i fyny a lawr o flaen yr atyniad dŵr tu allan i Ganolfan y Mileniwm gan mai dyna lle mae Torchwood," eglurodd.

                  Mae Gwesty Park Plaza yn cynnig pecynnau arbennig Doctor Who i bobl sy'n cynnwys mynediad i arddangosfa arbennig ym Mae Caerdydd.

                  "Rydym yn gobeithio y bydd effaith Torchwood a thrydedd gyfres Doctor Who yn creu awyrgylch arbennig mewn llefydd yng Nghaerdydd," meddai rheolwr marchnata'r gwesty, Caroline Sims.

                  "Mae'r pecynnau yn boblogaidd iawn ymhlith teuluoedd ac rydym wedi llunio map arbennig sy'n cynnwys atyniadau fel Canolfan y Mileniwm a llefydd sy'n cael ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer y ffilmio."

                  Cafodd yr arddangosfa, Doctor Who Up-Close, yng nghanolfan Red Dragon ym Mae Caerdydd, dros 57,000 o ymwelwyr rhwng mis Gorffennaf a mis Tachwedd 2006 - tua 500 y dydd.

                  "Mae'r llyfr ymwelwyr yn dangos enwau o bob rhan o'r byd," meddai rheolwr yr amgueddfa, Graham Jones.

                  "Mae ymwelwyr yn dod yma yn gyson o Seland Newydd ac Awstralia."

                  Dywedodd llefarydd ar ran Cyngor Caerdydd bod proffil y ddinas wedi codi o ganlyniad i'r rhaglenni.

                  Ac ychwanegodd bod yr ymwelwyr yn gweld bod 'na fwy ar gael yn y ddinas.
                  Dr Who and Torchwood propel Cardiff into the top ten UK tourist destinations.

                  The Geek pictured is called 'Dale Who'...

                  I am simply amazed at all the top quality news coming out of Wales today!
                  Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                  • #10
                    Who the f**k reads Welsh here MOBIUS? Hardly anyone in the civilised areas of Wales do...
                    Speaking of Erith:

                    "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                    • #11
                      I can read enough of that to get the gist of the story, so...

                      Twll tin y uffar gwirion...
                      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                      • #12
                        Pog ma thoin


                        • #13
                          If I was Welsh, I'd do the honorable thing and blow my head off.
                          Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                          "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                          He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                          • #14
                            There is a Welsh language news service?

                            Or does the BBC run that as part of a diversity thing
                            meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by LordShiva
                              Pog ma thoin
                              That's Irish, isn't it? (tr: "Kiss my ass")

