While AIPAC certainly isn't a global conspiracy, ala the Elders of Zion, it certainly is true that not only do they have a disproportionate amount of influence within the halls of government, they are also fairly immune to criticism. Any and all criticism of AIPAC is immediately denounced as antisemitism ala the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The media is afraid to touch the story because the label antisemitic is poison in this country. Once it touches you, you're done. Even Jews aren't immune.
AIPAC is effectively the lobbying arm of the Likkud party. The only criticism of Israel allowed is that it isn't being forceful enough. Anyone who would advocate Labor positions in the U.S. or would quote from Ha'aretz is denounced as an enemy of Israel.
It is the third rail of American politics.
AIPAC is effectively the lobbying arm of the Likkud party. The only criticism of Israel allowed is that it isn't being forceful enough. Anyone who would advocate Labor positions in the U.S. or would quote from Ha'aretz is denounced as an enemy of Israel.
It is the third rail of American politics.