Originally posted by Geronimo
Are you sure? I do remember reading an article within weeks of the forced evacuation showing pals in gaza occupying and repairing the greenhouses with the claim that the damage had been inflicted by the spiteful departing evacuees.
Has there been further damage since then?
Originally posted by lord of the mark
BTW, whatever happened to those greenhouses at the Gaza settlements? They were thoroughly vandalized, werent they? Makes one wonder how seriously to take all the agonizing about "stolen" property.
BTW, whatever happened to those greenhouses at the Gaza settlements? They were thoroughly vandalized, werent they? Makes one wonder how seriously to take all the agonizing about "stolen" property.
Are you sure? I do remember reading an article within weeks of the forced evacuation showing pals in gaza occupying and repairing the greenhouses with the claim that the damage had been inflicted by the spiteful departing evacuees.
Has there been further damage since then?
I personally feel it's this kind of "he said/she said" that's going to keep this conflict going 'till long after we're dead.
My wife and I get into arguments like this where neither of us cares to solve the problem anymore we just want to make sure the other knows they were wrong. And the other, now that they are being attacked, defends their original (now understood to be mistaken) point if only to not look like a complete '****.
Israeli history aside it's currently there and needs to be dealt with. No amount of sniping, from either side, is going to change that. All it does is keep the actual problem from being addressed.
NOTE: I am not saying you two are sniping at each other, this is a discussion not a policy negotiation so the atmosphere is totally different. I mearly used the preception conflict to illustrate my point of view. (hope you don't mind)
Tom P.