Originally posted by aneeshm
There is no mention of untouchability in Chanakya's work, nor in the Manu Smriti, nor in the Vedas, so I think you just got pwned.
You make the mistake of equating social (caste) and religious systems.
Untouchability was something which was continued as a practice by people, not by state fiat. And anyway, there hasn't been a Hindu state for roughly three hundred years, so you can't make that comparison, either.
There is no mention of untouchability in Chanakya's work, nor in the Manu Smriti, nor in the Vedas, so I think you just got pwned.
You make the mistake of equating social (caste) and religious systems.
Untouchability was something which was continued as a practice by people, not by state fiat. And anyway, there hasn't been a Hindu state for roughly three hundred years, so you can't make that comparison, either.
Because your society and your precious political parties would perpetuate the caste system under theological justifications, we cannot in any way say that Hinduism has not exerted so much influence on the state since Hinduism has evolved to the point where it became a lot like Christianity
Your attempted defence of such a hateful system is shocking, though not inconsistent with the beliefs you have demonstrated in the past.