Originally posted by Brachy-Pride
In the simpsons I always see that the people from springfield get together to vote, that Is something I like very much, but only possible in small cities I guess
Can someone from the USA explain how is that? is it in all states?
In the simpsons I always see that the people from springfield get together to vote, that Is something I like very much, but only possible in small cities I guess
Can someone from the USA explain how is that? is it in all states?
I haven't seen or experienced it myself and I don't know how wide spread it is, but tha'ts the rumor.
Elsewhere, all functions of government are open to the public. Your city council will have open meetings and the public is invited to attend and speak at the meeting, and usually do. They don't have any formal voting power in such meetings, but they can exercise some good influence on the process. If you have some small town city council meeting and 50 voters show up to complain about X issue, you can be reasonably sure the council will do something about it. Getting people to care and getting them active is always the main obstacle.
The problem as I see it is not a problem with democracy. Democracy IS the ideal system. However it doesn't work as well in certain situations. Our real problem is one of population and technology.
The earth's population is massive and growing. You can't have an effective direct democracy (or a really effective representative one) in a country with hundreds of millions of people. I say technology because larger and larger countries are becoming more possible and needed. The evolution of countries into entities like the EU I think is inevitable. Just like how the US used to be more state based, and now it is more national focused. Just the changing technology.
I think federalism is a good answer, or at least a helpful band aid. But even the US, as I said, is losing its federalism as the national government takes more and more power.