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  • #91
    I have plenty of times. And Chomsky isn't anywhere near as dumb as D'Souza. Moore might be getting close, though.

    One of my favorite Better Know a Districts (Al Wynn):
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    "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


    • #92
      Originally posted by Ramo
      I have plenty of times.
      That being said, I'll rationalize my support in the next sentence. Namely:

      And Chomsky isn't anywhere near as dumb as D'Souza.
      Who said anything about intelligence? D'ouche bag is delusional as is Chomsky.

      Moore might be getting close, though.
      Have to hand it to you on this one. OTOH its hard to argue Moore as anything but stupid AND delusional.
      "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

      “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


      • #93
        That being said, I'll rationalize my support in the next sentence. Namely:
        Duh. I'm on the far pinko socialist left. Just because I don't equate him with the crazies on the right (not that I don't frequently disagree with him) doesn't mean mainstream Dems don't as well.
        "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


        • #94
          So when you said "I have many times" and then came back immediately with a supportive commentary on Chomsky I was supposed to infer that meant mainstream Dems don't support Chomsky?

          For grins and giggles these mainstream Dems would be who? In the case of Moore would it be those same Dems who featured Moore in teh seat of honor next to Jimmuh Carter at teh Democratic national convention? The distancing was so great it could be measured in feet if not inches.
          "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

          “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


          • #95
            Oh my bad, I was ambiguous in the earlier post. By "I have many times," I meant I've seen the distancing many times.
            "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


            • #96
              Not a prob. Obviously I read the statements as you personally disavowed the two aforementioned lefties, not the greater Dem luminaries.
              "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

              “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


              • #97
                Take a look at, say, what the The New Republic writes about either guy. In liberal publications, I often see them bad-mouthed. Chomsky more frequently than Moore. Obviously, I don't remember particular instances..
                "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


                • #98
                  Which now does bring into focus what is considered the Dem mainstream voice these days. DKos, DU or New Republic?
                  "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

                  “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


                  • #99
                    Don't see why you mention DKos. Chomsky's next to irrelevant in that community. He represents totally different politics. And DKos is about activism rather than political philosophy. Here's a search for the past two years among front-pagers:

                    And you have three passing references, none of which focus on the man. Look at the comments in non-front page diaries when you search for him, and you find tons of disagreement with him.

                    Micheal Moore is not particularly relevant there, for other reasons.

                    As far as blogs in general go, you'll find that a lot of wonkish liberal writers are not fans.

                    Dunno about DU, but I don't see them as particularly relevant to much of anything.
                    "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


                    • Originally posted by Ramo
                      Look at the comments in non-front page diaries when you search for him, and you find tons of disagreement with him.
                      I see alot of OMFG Chomsky is God commentaries. Not so much disagreements but I stopped after about 20 or so reads.

                      As far as blogs in general go, you'll find that a lot of wonkish liberal writers are not fans.

                      To the extent that the Consie blogs are distancing themsleves from D'Souza?

                      NRO had a polite interview to be fair. But almost every consie blog has taken up the D'Souza has gone round the bend rallying cry.
                      "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

                      “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


                      • I would suppose th wonkish leftie bloggers you refer to that take Chomsky to task are the right wing equivalent of rightie wonks that take William F Buckley to task.

                        Each being an icon of their representative wing and generally argued against with a sort of reverence.
                        "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

                        “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


                        • The left wing blogosphere is unique in that it has an activist wing (DailyKos, MyDD, Atrios, FireDogLake, etc.) and a more wonkish wing (Kevin Drum, Glenn Greenwald, Juan Cole, TalkLeft, etc.). The right has never really gotten into the activist spirit with the same fervor, and that's all I meant by the term.

                          And no, it's very different. Bill Buckley is the father of modern conservatism. Noam Chomsky has very little to do with liberalism. He just isn't very relevant and his political tracts are rarely analyzed in-depth in this community. Mostly, he's dismissed out of hand.

                          I see alot of OMFG Chomsky is God commentaries. Not so much disagreements but I stopped after about 20 or so reads.
                          The first responders are probably the bigger fans. Usually the objections come a little later.
                          "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


                          • FTR, I'd say that the left wing analogue to D'Souza is Ward Churchill, and he was pretty universally criticized by the left.
                            "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


                            • That's a pretty ridiculous comparison. Convenient for your argument, though.
                              KH FOR OWNER!
                              ASHER FOR CEO!!
                              GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                              • Not really. D'Souza blamed 9/11 on teh gays and people who tolerate them. It's Falwell territory. Comparing D'Souza to Chomsky is far more ridiculous.

                                Yes, it is convenient since Chomsky hasn't gotten mainstream publicity in ages.
                                "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "

