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Drinking games

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  • #16
    I used to play those when I was 15, when drinking had to be forced. Now, a beer just tastes to good, I dont need a game to drink...Hell, I'd need a game to stop drinking!

    -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


    • #17
      I don't either. What I need a game for is to play.
      In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.


      • #18
        Re: Drinking games

        Originally posted by Oncle Boris
        4. Bizkit

        My favorite one. It's played with two dices.

        Any double: you give someone the quantity of mouthfuls shown on the dices.
        3: you are the bizkit. Expect some punishment. If you're already the bizkit, you're double bizkit, which means you drink at double penalty. This rules stacks up indefinitely.
        7: nothing happens, pass the dices to the next player
        8: you can create a new rule, or suppress a current one. Rules must target the group or the bizkit. You can't make up an arbitrary rule that targets an individual. Popular choices include having the bizkit drink everytime someone else drinks, having the bizkit drink everytime he makes someone drinks, etc. Rules do stack, so it can get pretty ugly for the bizkit. You could also go softer and for instance make mouthfuls "divisible" i.e they don't have to be given to the same player all at once.
        9: player on your right drinks
        10: player on your left drinks
        11: tournée générale
        12: you get to distribute a whole ****ing lot of mouthfuls (see first rule).
        My and my friends play the same game with a couple variations in the dice numbers but we call it 3man. The bizkit is called the 3man and does most of the same stuff, but they automatically drink everytime a 3 is shown on the dice and can pass on being the 3man to somebody else by rolling another 3.

        Definately my favorite drinking game too. Once the rules start to pile up its gets pretty rough. The best types of rules are the ones like no pointing, no using people's name, or no swearing. Hell, arguing about the rules probably leads to more drinks being doled out than actual dice rolls.

        Lots of good times playing this game.


        • #19
          'Drink while you think' is my favourite, and it's remarkably easy - while sober.

          You have to name a famous person/character, and then the player to your left has to name one whose first name begins with the same letter as the last name of the previous person/character. If you get someone with the same initials (Fred Flintstone, Frederick Forsyth) then the order reverses. This is easy enough, but when the turn reaches you you have to raise your glass to your lips and drink until you come up with a new name. Very easy, until you've played for a while (or someone says Deng Xiaoping), and lots of names have been mentioned, at which point it starts to get harder. For those who are good at the game then a general drinks amnesty should be called every so often after your turn so that you don't get people sat there for ages with a full pint.


          • #20
            I have to avoid this kind of thing, as my consitution starts to unravel towards serious ill-health after a finite number of drinks.


            • #21
              Originally posted by C0ckney
              10. 21

              good for between five - ten people, the idea of the game is get to 21. the rules are simple, if you say one number it goes to the next person, if you say two then it reverses (i.e. goes to the person before you), if you say three then it skips a person.

              if a person makes a mistake, doesn't realise it's their turn or takes too long, they have to drink and a new round starts, from 1. when 21 is reached, the person who has to say 21 drinks, and can then change one of the numbers to another word. for example someone might change '3' to 'apple', so in each round from then, when it gets to 3 the person must say apple instead of 3. if someone makes a mistake here, they must drink. this can get very confusing, because you can change the numbers to anything, even other numbers, which obviously leads to more drinking.

              each round starts with the first person saying "21 is good game and a fast game" saying 1,2 or 3 numbers and choosing a direction. so a game with 5 players (a,b,c,d and e) would start like this:

              player a: 21 is a good game and a fast game, 1 to my left
              player b: 2,3,4
              player d: 5,6
              player c: 7
              player b: 8,9,10
              player e: 11

              and so on until someone messes up or 21 is reached.
              A friend of mine taught me a version he learnt at his Uni in America. You play the same rules but with roman numerals. But instead of saying I (eye) you say "No". V (vee) is "daddy" and X (ex) is "please stop".

              Needless to say, its a deeply disturbing game played only with sick sick people. Ex: XVI = "Please stop, daddy no."
              Exult in your existence, because that very process has blundered unwittingly on its own negation. Only a small, local negation, to be sure: only one species, and only a minority of that species; but there lies hope. [...] Stand tall, Bipedal Ape. The shark may outswim you, the cheetah outrun you, the swift outfly you, the capuchin outclimb you, the elephant outpower you, the redwood outlast you. But you have the biggest gifts of all: the gift of understanding the ruthlessly cruel process that gave us all existence [and the] gift of revulsion against its implications.
              -Richard Dawkins


              • #22
                Fuzzy duck


                • #23
                  Ducky fuzz


                  • #24
                    Does he?


                    • #25
                      We play the superfriends drinking game. It's brutal.

                      Drinking games are the lowest form of social interaction outside of a wedding reception, but just like they did with crappy cartoons and physics lessons, Super Friends make everything better. So I wrote up some rules for the SUPER FRIENDS DRINKING GAME. All of these are open to modification, and you're encouraged to have another drink whenever the Super Friends inspire you to, even if it's not in the official rulebook. Here are your guidelines, I hope it finally brings Super Fans and alcoholics together.

                      Drink every time you hear the words SPACE or SUPER. For example, if Myxpltk says, "I'll send you super yo-yos into space on this space rocket!" that's three drinks. And if you're nitpicky, this is every instance of space and super, so Superman's name counts, and you drink even if someone's just talking about regular space and not outer-space. Like, "There's enough space left in my belt for two more five gallon Bat-jugs, Robin!"

                      Speaking of Bat, if you hear the word BAT, and it's followed by a device, vehicle, or action, you drink. Like the Bat-Jetboat, a Bat-Punch, or just a Nuclear Bat-Laser.

                      Note: Batman's in almost every episode, but if he isn't, you still have to make your liver work. No Batman means you drink every time you hear the words MAGIC LASSO, VISION (x-ray, telescopic, heat, infra red, or any other kind), or TELEPATHY (no matter how Aquaman conjugates it). It's hard for the Super Friends to even walk down the hall without at least the narrator shouting out most of those words. In fact, **** it, drink to all four words. If Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Batman are all in the episode, tough it out.

                      Drink any time a Super Friend speaks the wrong language. This counts if they slip into their native tongue because of excitement, or if they just need to do it to get their powers to work like Apache Chief and Samurai. Good luck staying out of the hospital if you're watching an episode with El Dorado in it.

                      Take a drink whenever someone lets out an exclamation catchphrase. Those usually start with "Great..." like "Great Krypton!" or "Great Hera!" The Wonder Twins say "JUPITERS!", and Robin will say "Holy you're ****ing wasted! Time to take another one!" Whatever they say, though; their excitement means your toxicity level rises.

                      Drink whenever someone's GOT TO do something. Villains will say that they MUST do something, and you drink then too. Whoever's saying it though, your drinking should turn into chugging if they've GOT TO do something AND FAST.

                      If the Super Friends ONLY HAVE ONE CHANCE at something or have to do something JUST RIGHT, that's a drink. And before you do it, you should say, "ONLY TIME FOR ONE DRINK!"

                      After you play this long enough, you can't pay close enough attention to notice when someone says SPACE or BAT, so you have to modify the rules. For the big finish of the game, drink whenever there's a shooting star scene transition, and whenever the Wonder Twins activate or deactivate their Wonder Twin Powers.

                      1. "Space"
                      2. "Super"
                      3. "Bat-Something", "Vision," "Telepathy," and "Magic Lasso."
                      4. "Great Something!"
                      5. Foreign Language
                      6. "I'VE GOT TO..."
                      7. Just one chance!

                      1. Wonder Twins Activate/Deactivate
                      2. Star scene transitions

                      1. Person on the Trouble Alert has a hat.
                      2. Narrator. CHUG if he says space.


                      • #26
                        The Star Wars drinking game is a fun way to get drunk quickly.
                        You watch the movies and drink every time someone has a bad feeling about something, it's their only hope, Luke is whining, somebody's hand gets cut off etc etc
                        The enemy cannot push a button if you disable his hand.


                        • #27
                          Amateurs. No drinking game compares to Bob.
                          (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                          (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                          (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                          • #28
                            I play this game called "can I get drunk?"

                            pretty much the games begins by drinking beer, and ends by finding your car...

