I was working at this software development company, and you may or may not remember that I went to Michigan for them.
Left on a Sunday morning (which I didn't like) and came back on a Thusday afternoon.
Whole time I was there, I worked about 14 hours a day, counting time working through my meal at night and afterwards in the lobby with 2 other people.
Go into work the next day, Friday, payday, and they couldn't make payroll until the next week.
I wrote my report of recommendations for the company I had visited, and quit. I don't need that crap.
So that was end of October.
I was looking for a job. It gets into Thanksgiving, and then December and I'm getting pretty nervous over it.
Borrowed money for December's payment on this place, on a hope.
Then this contract manufacturing company called me in to interview. It took 2 weeks, all the while time is ticking.
On the Friday the 15th of December, they said they wanted to hire me. I told them I'd be there Monday, the 18th. They thought I was kidding, but I think as you can tell, I most certainly was serious. SO they let me start Monday the 18th, a week before Christmas, instead of making me wait until Monday January 2nd.
They even gave me more money than I asked for in negotiations. Yeah, I know. I don't deserve it, but I've gotten my share of crap that I didn't think I deserved either, so we'll call it even.
To top it all off, its a 3 minute drive from my place to there. THREE MINUTES. 1.9 miles. I come home at lunch, bother Playful, go back.
I have to tell you, I think damned highly of them already at this point. They gave me peace of mind for Christmas. I appreciated that thoughtfulness. They knew I wasn't working. Knew about that company I left, and I had told them I wanted on the payroll, as in now. I didn't contribute much, but I went to these classes that few got to go to, and that went on my record I imagine, so that's good.
This company is Swedish, with manufacturing and/or sales offices all over the world.
Now I already was thinking that they're pretty damn decent, and I'm putting in papers on benefits and 401k and all that today, and comes the part about marital status.
A part of the married dropdown answer, was the option for Domestic Pardner. Domestic Pardner is coverable for life, health and all other benefits.
I've been at some companies that were real good, but this is the first time I've seen that, and it's another cool thing about this company.
Besides the point that domestic pardners deserve it, they don't have to fight for it. This company has it on their electronic benefits sign up.
Gays are people to me, and I don't care about their private activities, and what this tells me is that this company doesn't care at all about it. They want the best people they can get (I mean other than me. I snuck in, but that's outside the point), without cutting down on options by way of ignorance.
So in short,
, I think I'm going to like this place.
All seem like nice people.
Left on a Sunday morning (which I didn't like) and came back on a Thusday afternoon.
Whole time I was there, I worked about 14 hours a day, counting time working through my meal at night and afterwards in the lobby with 2 other people.
Go into work the next day, Friday, payday, and they couldn't make payroll until the next week.
I wrote my report of recommendations for the company I had visited, and quit. I don't need that crap.
So that was end of October.
I was looking for a job. It gets into Thanksgiving, and then December and I'm getting pretty nervous over it.
Borrowed money for December's payment on this place, on a hope.
Then this contract manufacturing company called me in to interview. It took 2 weeks, all the while time is ticking.
On the Friday the 15th of December, they said they wanted to hire me. I told them I'd be there Monday, the 18th. They thought I was kidding, but I think as you can tell, I most certainly was serious. SO they let me start Monday the 18th, a week before Christmas, instead of making me wait until Monday January 2nd.
They even gave me more money than I asked for in negotiations. Yeah, I know. I don't deserve it, but I've gotten my share of crap that I didn't think I deserved either, so we'll call it even.
To top it all off, its a 3 minute drive from my place to there. THREE MINUTES. 1.9 miles. I come home at lunch, bother Playful, go back.
I have to tell you, I think damned highly of them already at this point. They gave me peace of mind for Christmas. I appreciated that thoughtfulness. They knew I wasn't working. Knew about that company I left, and I had told them I wanted on the payroll, as in now. I didn't contribute much, but I went to these classes that few got to go to, and that went on my record I imagine, so that's good.
This company is Swedish, with manufacturing and/or sales offices all over the world.
Now I already was thinking that they're pretty damn decent, and I'm putting in papers on benefits and 401k and all that today, and comes the part about marital status.
A part of the married dropdown answer, was the option for Domestic Pardner. Domestic Pardner is coverable for life, health and all other benefits.
I've been at some companies that were real good, but this is the first time I've seen that, and it's another cool thing about this company.
Besides the point that domestic pardners deserve it, they don't have to fight for it. This company has it on their electronic benefits sign up.
Gays are people to me, and I don't care about their private activities, and what this tells me is that this company doesn't care at all about it. They want the best people they can get (I mean other than me. I snuck in, but that's outside the point), without cutting down on options by way of ignorance.
So in short,

All seem like nice people.