Che, and the President "can" ignore Congress, they largely have chosen not to.
If you recall, Clinton didn't even ask Congress about his war on Serbia. When it got near the 60-day mark called for the the WPA, IIRC, Clinton did get a resolution passed supporting the war.
Which brings us to a major complaint about Bush, the electronic surveilance of al Qa'ida. We are at war with AQ. I would argue that even if Congress expressly said that we could not monitor AQ communications with Americans, that law would be an unconstitutional interference with the presidents authority as CIC to protect the US in times of war.
If you recall, Clinton didn't even ask Congress about his war on Serbia. When it got near the 60-day mark called for the the WPA, IIRC, Clinton did get a resolution passed supporting the war.
Which brings us to a major complaint about Bush, the electronic surveilance of al Qa'ida. We are at war with AQ. I would argue that even if Congress expressly said that we could not monitor AQ communications with Americans, that law would be an unconstitutional interference with the presidents authority as CIC to protect the US in times of war.