Originally posted by Ned
Iran Contra was also such a witch hunt. It's whole purpose was to get Reagan. They gave North immunity, for gods sake. But it was North who was the renegade, not Reagan.
Iran Contra was also such a witch hunt. It's whole purpose was to get Reagan. They gave North immunity, for gods sake. But it was North who was the renegade, not Reagan.
Let's review Iran-Contra, we? The Reagan administration:
1) Sold arms to the Ayatollah's government in Iran, a government that had held our own people hostage just a few years before and a country with whom we had no diplomatic relations, and
2) Gave the money made from arms sales to the "Contras" in Nicaragua -- best described (as they were by Republican Senator Lowell Weiker) as "our terrorists" -- in specific and deliberate violation of US law.
Arms sales. Clandestine government financing of an armed insurgency in Latin America. Abrogation of US Law. Do you really think North was doing that all by himself? Do you really thing he could have? There's no way -- which is why the probe also caught NSC director Poindexter and NSA McFarlane (who tried to commit suicide in the middle of it all) and why other players (including Defense Sec Cap Weinberger) were pardoned by Bush once he became president. Bush himself, it's generally thought, also knew what was going on -- very likely, given that he used to be head of the CIA.
So you've got an administration negotiating with some terrorists while funding others, all in open defiance of US law, and the scandal reaches at least as far as the Secretary of Defense, the president's National Security Advisor, and the Vice President. And you call the inquiry a witchhunt?
That's a stretch even for the Nediverse, isn't it?
edit: One last point, re Reagan. Either he knew, or he didn't. If he knew, a Congressional probe into his culpability was totally appropriate. If he didn't know, a Congressional inquiry into why the President remained ignorant while his own appointed advisors ran amok was also completely appropriate. Either way, you really need to get dictionary and look up "witchhunt."